Cosplay favor [2/??]

Jul 12, 2010 15:09

Cosplay favor
Author: x_keiosu  
Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: ReitaXRuki, mention of AoiXKaiXUruha
Genre: High-school AU, Humor, Romance, and Smut
Rating: R→NC-17(Over-all)
Warning: BxB love, cross-dressing(later chapters), smut(again, later chapters), strong language~
Disclaimer: PS Company owns them: goodness grief---stop reminding me!
Summary: One of high-school's biggest sporting events is just around the corner, all students pepped for the upcoming soccer game. Reita and his team has been training vigorously, in hope for the country championship. Problem is, the team has the abnormal superstition, that without 100% support from love ones--it'll end in complete failure. As a result, each player has their own personal cheer-leader. Sadly for Reita, he doesn't have one himself...but then he remembers, he has a loyal best-friend named Ruki...
Status: Ongoing♥
Parts: 2/??

Chapter 1
A/N: Yes, if you read the 'pairing' section: there is a three-some relationship between Aoi, Kai and Uruha! Why? I couldn't decided which guy, Aoi should be with sooo~>w< I treated him to tew!~>8D Mhaha! Anyways, this chapter will be shorter and hopefully by the next chapter, you'll understand the whole soccer ordeal. Now, when does the NC-17 rating kick in? Soon, not sure when exactly I plan everything on spot @__@ Comments push me to finish new chapters quicker! >.>;; Enjoy :D

Cosplay favor
+++++ +++++
Scattering students continued gathering their belongings from cluttered lockers--departing and leaving campus with their friends. Friends that were patient enough to wait a good ten minutes, for the others arrival.

Uruha and Reita hoped that theirs were as patient.

Every day once school ended, Ruki, Reita, Uruha and Kai would all meet up, at Aoi's locker all planning after-school activities. Problem is, when the entire group strongly dislikes school, none of them were willing to stay a tad longer for a small conversation, and future get-togethers.

By now, all of them were growing antsy.

"Pick up the pace Reita!" Shoving forcefully through other students, Uruha was still seen to be dragging his blond friend, all over his paths. Slightly puzzled by the immediate desire, to speed up their walking, Reita slipped his numb arm out of reach.

"What the hell got into you?"

"Look, if I show up late: Aoi's going to leave without me!" As soon as he finished his explanation, Uruha bolted off again, power walking in the most hilarious way possible. Naturally, Reita smiled and laughed for two reasons: one being how oblivious Uruha was, to how stupid he was appearing, the second to how vague his excuse, for rushing Reita was.

He was clever enough to know, Uruha just wanted to see Aoi, and keep him away from Kai--who Aoi also liked. Another thing to add, was that Uruha enjoyed being his old perverted self to his crush. Yes, he really is that big of a horn-dog.

But oddly, it's nothing Uruha would publicly admit.

It didn't take the two long to finally reach their destination, and fortunately for them, the entire gang seen at Aoi's locker, all chatting and taking it easy like always. As if the group had a sixth sense, simultaneously Ruki, Aoi and Kai turned their heads to the direction of the approaching late friends.

"HEEY GUYS! HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY I N HELL?~" Uruha started, one hand dug into his pocket, other resting relatively close to his crush's opened locker.
Wincing back, Aoi's hands quickly shield his ears, receiving laughter from the others. "Uru onegai(please), lower your voice. I just stepped out of one of the most mind-stressing classes ever. In fact, my head is still over-whelmed by small noises as it is!"

Uruha's face now full of concern, also hiding amusement to how sensitive Aoi's stress-level was. "Eh, is that so?"

"Hai! I mean, I'm not horribly terrible at math--but that was too much." Informed the raven haired teen, as he dug into his locker for various school related things. After chuckling shortly, Reita directed his attention to the more quiet brunette friend. "Kai-kun, how about you? How was punishment, hopefully not as horrible as Aoi?"

"Ehh~afraid not Reita. This new sensei has got me cleaning chalk erasers."

"Nan de? He still uses those prehistoric things?!" Uruha exclaimed in complete amazement, as he watched Kai care to his stuffy nose.

"Yeah, I think I'm growing allergic to it. When I was cleaning them, dust flew everywhere and...and..." Eyes shutting close, Kai's body rapidly flung forward, hand covering his mouth as a loud sneeze shook the air. "Man, and I haven't even finished cleaning them all." Kai complained softly, wiping his runny nose with a anew tissue. Back slumping in disappointment, Aoi immediately grew sympathy for the sick dimple smiling friend. "D'aww, Kai-chan it's okay: I'll care for you!" Wrapping one arm around him, he brought a smile to Kai's face. Uruha clearly crossed by how things were turning out.

Both Reita and Ruki laughed at how quickly jealous the pouted friend could become, Uruha squeezing between the hugging friends.

"Aoi----" He began, placing his hand directly on Kai's face, progressively shoving him away. "Why don't you get the car started? I heard it might rain today!"

Struggling to reach for Kai--who was now a couple feet away--Aoi stopped half-way, pondering at the suggestion. "Hai, sounds like a good idea. Dewa mata(See you later) guys!" And just like that, Aoi was out of sight, rushing to his car while dragging Kai along. "C'mon Kai-chan, off we go!"

"But I---"

"Nan de? We'll get your stuff along the way, and I'll drive you home!"

"DAME(Bad)!!" Obviously Uruha was disapproving of the two being alone, and in this case words spoke--well shouted louder than actions. Aoi was puzzled by his hard emotion, Kai slightly timid by all that was going on. Reita being smart enough to sense what was close to happening, held Uruha back while signaling the two to leave.

"NO! Reita, let go--what the hell man?"

"Uru for Kai's sake I'm doing this so---"


"Jesus Christ Uruha, for someone who has it out for another: you sure don't know shit about smack talkin'." Ruki playfully sneered, one hand following Reita's actions. It didn't take long, to feel that Uruha finally loosened up; and soon after his clenched fist released, lips puckering in irritation. "It's not that I hate him, it's just because he's such a good match and guy for Aoi. Therefor, it's just competition that calls for hostility."

As a reply, Ruki snorted in astonishment, arms crossing his chest. "Unbelievable."

Rolling his eyes, it was Reita's turn to pitch in on the teasing. "If you feel that threatened with Kai's presence: just share him." He added between chuckles, eyes meeting Uruha's---which was twinkling.

"Y'know, that's not a bad idea."


"Uruha, I hope you know Reita was joke right?" Cocking an eye-brow, Ruki studied the taller blond, who's face brighten to the idea of two guys to play with.

"No no, that actually seems like a good idea. I mean two guys at once? I don't mind Kai...and certainly could get off, to the two doing things together. And me toying with Kai...?" A devilish smile spread on Uruha's attractive lips, as he rubbed his chin in content. The two other guys exchanged blank looks, both laughing nervously. Without complete realization, Uruha started walking the same direction Aoi and Kai ran off in. Still conjuring up dirty thoughts about the possible three-some, the smirk still lurked on his face, a small chuckle following. "I'll uh, see you guys later." Before either Reita or Ruki could even register, the danger Rei had placed their innocent brunette in, Uruha was already gone with the wind.

"Ay, I feel so bad for what we're about to put Kai through." Reita stated with nervous chuckles.

"WHAT IS THIS "WE" BUSINESS?!" Ruki questioned, on his tippy-toes to literally see Reita eye-to-eye. "You suggested the three-some relationship, not me! Why...I would never!~" he added with a deceptive wink, tongue sticking out. "But it's whatever: the damage is done, congratulate yourself Rei---so pat yourself on the back."

Sighing heavily, Reita turned the opposite direction, hanging his head in shame as he feebly patted his back." Hip hip hooray..." But suddenly his mood change, as he felt small arms wrap around his waist, black and red strands of hair brushing against the back of his gakuran.

"Silly, I'll cheer you up!~" Letting go, Ruki quickly popped up in-front of Reita's eyes, smiled childish. "Why don't we go to my house?"

"Well, I dont' have any objections to that!"

"YAH!~" Quickly grabbing a hold of the taller man's hands, Ruki's fingers slid between the spaces, gently holding onto Reita's now quivering hand. The feel of the shorter friend's hand, was soft and caressing and always brought Reita close to vomiting, by how insanely nervous he became. It wasn't a bad nervous, but he couldn't pin-point the exact emotion that took over, and once the two had any physically contact.

Which by the way, happened a lot.

There was the unexplainable times, when the two friends would put themselves into unusual situations. Reita can only recall a numerous amounts of times, when Ruki had accidentally brush up against Rei--and Reita would get an instant hard-on. He wasn't never quite sure if it was natural, or because it was Ruki his crotch rubbed up on. There was no denying, that the things his friend did, in-deed turn him on. Ruki would would always manage to naturally arouse Reita, without awareness!
And of course, poor Reita would have to find a way, to pathetically shield his boner, or think horrible thoughts. Then...there were times, when Ruki himself did play along with the teasing, and the two was guilty as charge for doing PG-13 things. Over and over again, Reita told himself that it was a phase, he'd soon stop wanting to be touched by another man; because after-all, he isn't gay--no matter how much he enjoyed it, because it was only his hormones, right?

"---and I was thinking, we could play Guilty Gear XX! You up for it?"

"Uh, I g-guess." A short response, but Reita's mind was a bit boggled from earlier thoughts.

"Unless you don't wanna. Anything you want to do?"

You. "UH--" Mentally slapping himself, for the mere thought about doing his best-friend, he readjusted his facial expression, shifting his weight on the other leg, as he felt the crotch of his uniform tenting. Before he could come up with a decent response, an electronic bell went off while sending vibrations through-out Reita's pockets, Ruki giggling at how frantic Reita reacted. Digging into his pockets, his hand pulled out his cell-phone, seeing that he received a text message. After re-reading the text a couple of times, Reita gently closed the cell, more confused that he was earlier. "Well uh, this is a bit off."

"What happened Rei?"

"That was one of the guys from the soccer team. Apparently there's practice today!"

"EH? But you never have practices today!"

"I know, that's what's so off about this. It's probably an emergency of some sent, but I better get goin' Ru."

Reita could sense major disappointment, it really did seem like Ruki wanted to spend quality time with his best-friend. Tussling Ruki's harassing with his free hand, Ruki's eyes moved towards Reita. "Hey, maybe I can hang after-wards."

"R-Really?!" Automatically, his face had brighten up--just like a kid's would. It seemed no matter how old, or big of hard-ass Ruki appeared: he always had a soft side shown to Reita.

"Yeah! If I can, I'll come over when it's done, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan! Call me if you can, if you can't come over--still call me when practice is done: I just wanna make sure you're okay!"
Leaning towards Ruki, Reita smiled softly showing teeth. "Hai, like always~Thanks for caring!"

Reita wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he could have sworn he saw Ruki...blush? Before processing any more thoughts, Ruki rapidly pecked at Reita's cheek, then backed away. "N-No problem. I'll see you later." Slinging his jacket over his back, his index finger hooked on it as he started walking away. "Have fun at practice." Somehow it seemed Ruki was back to his old self, and that he didn't just have a moment, after being pretty damn close to Reita.

"Alright Ru, see you! With a non-energetic wave, Reita followed the same procedure, but walked a different path. Although it was a good thing that his mind, at the moment wasn't constantly being hassled with confusion, about his odd relationship with Ru: Reita couldn't help but want to be heading home with Ru.

And to that, he sighed.

A/N: Eh, this chapter was...odd. The writing isn't persistent with certain parts, and I just started sucking eggs near the end. Tired? Well, it is 12:37 AM when I finished & I am brain-dead. Next chapter will be longer b/c--ohohoho, there IS going to be a smut scene! But not with the main pairing >:3 -Maniacal Laugh- Also, I'll be explaining the soccer ordeal--& Reita's relationship with Ru OKIES? Gimme some time to write the next chapter. xD I needz some rest! Comments are appreciated! =^___^=

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type: serie, pairings(s): side pairings, pairing(s): reitaxruki, style: fan fiction, pairing(s): uruhaxkaixaoi

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