Reila Potrait
x_keiosu Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Warning: Nothing, you're good ;D
Disclaimer: I don't own Ruki...never will, never did. Oh! But Reita does >___>;;
Media: Pencil!
(Click for larger image)
A/N: So after coming back from LA, I purchased a couple of Jrock related shizzle: one of them being a Cure magazine. Luckily for me, there was a Gazetto photo-shoot from their Reila PV. So yeah, the magazine is a bit old BUT, if it has their picture on it: I will buy it. xD Another thing I should point out: I realize his five earrings are on the right side. However the photo of Ru was him, looking into a mirror so~yes. o 3o That's about it! If I find the reference picture online--I shall post it! ^___^ Comments are rabu♥♥♥
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