Tora fans unite!!

Jun 26, 2010 22:00

Tora is not human.... he is the essence Coolness solidified, and shaped into Human form.
Not only did I lol my ass off, but it's true!
I found that on youtube btw, after searching "Cross Game".

I mean c'mon: Tora really is!

Just look at this beauty!~<3 Anywho, I just decided to get in-touch with my fan-girl/boy self. Damn, do I miss these moments--when my whole life, revolved strictly around jrock.
Literally, only around it. Owo;;
Moving on, today was an odd day: I had many bipolar feelings. First feeling quite alone, because it's so dang hard to find someone who listens to jrock religiously.
I had friends like that, but they all live in Germany, Belgium, UK, ect. None that actually live in FL.
But I always yearned to have someone, someone close to relate to---who reads/writes fan fics, and is madly in-love with jrock in-general.

my feelings went all away, as I just played 'July 8' by Gazetto, and made future plans for visiting Japan my senior year, with my fran Matt. X3
I think I'll work on my new fan-fiction idea. So that's enough for the blogging~

jrock, awesomeness, accomplishment, lol, random, lame, updates

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