May 07, 2005 15:23
Yesterday I got all emo on peeps. In french class, Lucy, Ally, Alex and I were listening to Dev's Ipod (with Matt's splitter, and we each only had one ear) and I look over to see Dev giving Matt a back massage. This wouldn't have been bad on any other day, but during my period I get very protective/jealous/nervous of ANYthing, and so it made me feel very down. And Matt was really enjoying it. And I feel bad, because I've never actually given him a full neck/back massage, because I feel like I lack all talent to do so, but seeing her give him one >:| argh, it just got me so upset. Especially since he was enjoying it so much. For the rest of the day I was pretty sassy to Dev, but she does this quite a bit. She's a little inconsiderate of this type of thing... Like Alex was telling me how Dev used to CONSTANTLY flirt with Bryan (Alex's ex), and Alex even tried talking to her about it, and she the way she acted, but only for a bit of time... then she went back to her flirting ways. And yeah. Just the small stuff, like she'll sit on all the guys laps, which I find a little frustrating. I'm too embarassed/uncomfortable with myself to do that, and then seeing Dev just do it to every guy.... It's upsetting. So yeah, that whole Dev/Matt massage got me really down during lunch/the afternoon. In socials I got teary-eyed 3 times, just because of how I felt. It was like... I dunno. Matt understands that I get very emo this time, and he's normally really good about it which I appreciate alot, but there's only so much he can do to make me feel appreciated. Oh well. Thank goodness that only lasted until chemistry, because after school I was back to my normal-self. Which is nice. Blaarrrrg. Sometimes I hate being female. But then again, I'd hate it even more being male... they're so simple. :] Okay, I think I'm done. I'm off to go figure out a way to make my face NOT explode every two minutes. Ew. Not actually, but I've got FOUR different "blemish" areas on my face. FOUR!!!! o_O Sniffle. Righto.