Oh my, juliee posted?!

Jan 19, 2008 10:55

Well deary deary me.
Quite a looooong while since I posted, huh?
Its holidays right now, and 2008 might I add, so I outoftheblue decided today to come back and read my old blogs. Upon doing so, I realised how much I used to love doing this, and how serious I was about it -laughs-
So since I've got all this free time now, I figured I'd get back into it. Except now you know, I won't be quite so into it. Like obsessively posting everyday and not leaving out a single detail.
I think it'd be good to get things off my chest this way, seeing as how its a new year, a new SCHOOL year and how we'll be dealing (or well, I'LL be dealing) with all these new things that I've never had to worry about quite so much before.
Its School Certificate this year, and though all you smart people really have nothing to worry about, I need to really knuckle down and try hard this year. Though I say that every year. And not to mention all SORTS of new boy troubles. I've been getting quite a lot of strife from Konrad lately =/ And something else happened on the phone just 2 days ago, but I won't go into details. Though I WILL tell you that I didnt get a WINK of sleep that night.
Probably due to immense guilt.
Another thing is, I need to find a job! I've been applying everywhere but so many people apply for holiday jobs that the emails I get are always "you're a suitable candidate to work for us, but we'll notify you when there a position available." Mannnnn.
But anyway, its only the teensiest bit late but I hope you all had an awesommmeee Christmas and New Year ^^

On a different topic, January School Mailouts recently came, holding timetables and other such bad news, like the news that blazers are now compulsory D= MY thoughts on this is that.. remember those opinion sheets that they sent out last year, asking if we wanted them compulsory or not? Well, I think that the gay people who DID want compulsoryness were bothered to HAND IN the sheets, whereas the people who didnt want them to be made compulsory... just weren't fucked to do anything about it. Like me =/ and probably you! >.>
So yes, I have been put in (from what I've heard) the loneliest class this year. I dont have Laura or Blosia or Jenn or Chompy or Mariam or Phil or Justine or Tien or Quyen or Manda or anybody I'm super close with! Only Garner and Sarah. Hooray -___-"

Moving right along, I've been quite lucky so far this year.. in a way. Let me explain.
This year, as I've already said, I need to try harder. Not just at school, I've decided, but with everything. I want to be smarter but also fitter, healthier and nicer to people. I'm really trying to make a difference, but I guess we won't see until its back to school time. I won't make jokes at other people's expense anymore and I will leave name-calling for only when its absolutely necessary.. and for when Andrew Do is around. Just kidding, I'm going to be nice to him too.
So anyway, in an attempt to be fitter, I took up a new routine about 2 weeks ago. I sleep earlier, I wake up earlier, eat a good healthy breakfast and then I go for a jog or bike ride. If its raining, I do sit-ups and starjumps at home. So a week ago, on my morning jog, I came across.. a Pokemon Pearl Version. Just.. lying on the ground. So of course I picked it up. How goddamn lucky =D And not to mention its absolutely great to play on my new black DS Lite that Brandon got me from Melbourne (: Yay ^^

I think I might stop this blog here (since I'm still getting back into the run of things) and plus, I dont want to bore you guys with my boring life. So leave a comment and shit, oh and tell me what classes you're in. I think Nikki's in mine from her blog.
Just to let you know, I'll only be blogging every maybe.. 3 or 4 days? But I'll keep in touch (:
And oooone more thing, I'm currently obsessed with this song, Incomplete Lullaby by Lisa Mitchell, its absolutely beautiful. I might put up the lyrics later, check it out.

♥ juliee ;

oh lj how i missed you.

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