Sep 21, 2007 20:34
First period Thursday, we had Maths. I dont remember much, I think I just played Kirby while Phil did his work.
Then was Ag, we were meant to be doing some gay practice tractor safety exam but I just listened to my iPod.
Recess - cant remember. again.
Commerce was next, in the computer room to do ASX shit.
Geography, once again got yelled at by Ms Rees a lot. I hate her with a passion >.>
Lunch - the cheesing.
Phil wouldnt let my play Kirby so Amanda, Mariam and I raided his bag for food while Phil and John tried in vain to film the first scene of Phils movie. I get the feeling the group as a whole was feeling a little high, and that made it impossible for "Pete" and "Joey" to say their lines. The filming was interrupted numerous times - brendan in the background thrusting his pelvis, me crawling under the table they were sitting on, and of course.. the cheesing. Mechan had obtained a large leaf/blade of grass and scooped onto it a blob of cheddar cheese from the Le Snak that Mariam and I had previously taken from Phil bag. He waved it around a little and decided (God knows why) to fling the gob of cheese at Phils head. SPLAT! The cheese makes contact, leaving what looked like a handful of jizz on the side of Phils head, all in his hair and everything. Yucky.
After lunch.. was PE. Ah, dreaded PE. Ms Thomas brought in a whole Contraceptive Kit. WHO THE HELL HAS A CONTRACEPTIVE KIT?! There was condoms and lubricant and female condoms and dams and intrauterine devices and a plastic penis disguised as a banana o.o The whole lesson was spent looking at and talking about the various contraceptives.
Then was English. I think Ms Sproule gave us about half the lesson to finish up our character analysis stuff in our groups since everyone was back. Then the groups, two at a time, went up to write their notes on the board. Nothing exciting.
I didnt do anything after school on Thursday. I went straight home, got comfy, and watched Avatar :]
♡ juliee ;
a contraceptive kit? wtf?