Sep 10, 2007 20:26
What a strange day I've had. What a strange, strange day.
Monday signalled the start of the school week meaning early mornings, homework, assignments, stupid teachers and other tedious things you could probably do without.
My morning started pretty normally - woke up early, had a long shower, got ready for school, and rushed off so I wouldnt miss the train. But there is were the normalness (normality? normalcy?) ended. Here I was, walking innocently to the station when I see a guy come out onto the balcony of his 2nd storey flat. The thing is, all he's wearing is a towel. I thought to myself, "Hmm, lets have some fun with this," and I yelled out "HEY!" Then guess what happened xD He dropped his towel! He looked up to see who it was and I realised it was one of my friends' big brother, Peter ROFL so I'm like, "Peter??" and he runs back inside, covering himself with his hands. LOL.
The next weird thing to happen to me was this - I've continued walking after my.. encounter with Peter and see this short little black kid wearing the Cabra high school uniform. Whats weird about that is that he's yelling, "HOO CHICKA WAAHH! HOO CHICKA WAHH! HOO CHICKA WAAAAAHHH!!" and hes not even yelling it to anyone in particular, just yelling it. So as he draws closer, I kinda try to stay as far away from him as possible without walking on the road, and as we're about to pass eachother, he jumps out in front of me and goes "WAAAAAHHHH!!!" You can tell I was just a little shocked. Just a little. I say to him, "You little dipshit," and keep walking. I turn around as I walk to see how he reacts and I see him doing it to the old lady who was walking behind me and she drops her bag and goes, "Oh my!" ROFL and that was my morning :]
Got off the train, walked to the school, walked past the boarders (jeering as usual) and got to Morning Zone where I recounted my strange morning.
Today was a Day 5 so first thing we had was Commerce. Didnt do much work, copied Amandas English homework and talked about what we should name our ASX syndicate group thing. Amanda, Justine, Tien and I decided on "The Untouchables" cos we're just cool like that.
Period 2, we had Ag. And what a funny Ag lesson it was xD At first, we waited outside the cooking room for Mr. McCord but nobody came. Then somebody told us to go to the Main Quad, so we did. Another class was there as well with Ms Cooma or something, I think is was 9I, and we stuck around with them for a bit but then their class went in, leaving just our class sitting on the tables near Donut Quad and the Maths corridor. We sat for a bit and decided if we should go back but then Ms Cavanaugh came out of her class and told us we HAD to go back to our room. And thats what we did. When we got there, Ms Contardo was waiting for us xD Upon being seated, she told us that no work was left for us so we should just take out some work to do or sit quietly. Just talked for a while, scabbed food off other people, bleh. Thompson, Jenn, Blosia, Sophia and I started talking about random stuff and the conversation somehow got to the point where I started singing, "Thompson is gay! Thompson is gay! Thompson is gay, Thompson is gay, Thompson is gaaayyy!" and Ms Contardo heard me ROFL she came over and said something about how everybody deserves respect and how its not even an insult. She then went on to say, "Its just like me saying you're a girl!" We started laughing and, not knowing what to say, I said "Thanks for noticing miss!" which was followed by more laughter. When Ms Contardo left, I started singing "Julies a girl! Julies a girl! Julies a girl, Julies a girl, Julies a giiiirrrrllll!" and Ms Contardo told me she thought I was a little more mature than that. Pssh, whatever.
Thats enough about Ag, lets move on to recess. I bought an ice-cream cup and a ham&cheese croissant at the canteen :] I dont remember what else we did except that me and Quyen walked up and down to see if we could sight "David" ROFL!
After that we had Maths with Fauldsy, an uneventful lesson doing expanding, factorising and shit.
Then we had English. LOL. We're reading "Twelfth Night" by Shakespeare in class and we're all playing different characters in the play. I'm Fabian, Amanda is Antonio, Mechan is Sir Toby and Konrad is Sir Andrew. Man, Ms Sproule kept yelling at us for giggling whenever someone said coxcomb LMAO and then somebody said something about Dick Surgeon and that started us giggling again xD Ms Sproule explained that people often used their occupations as kinda their last name to separate, for example, Dick the Surgeon from Dick the Smith and then we started laughing all over again, and the teacher couldnt figure out what was so funny ROFL (get it, Dick Smith?)
Then there was lunch. We started off by planning Tiens little birthday surprise.. >=] Well, its not really that little. LOL. Well, after we got that sorted out, me and Quyen started walking up and down, and up and down, and up and down again tryna see if we could find "David" ahaha but when he wasnt there the first couple times, we went up to where Tien, Amy, Vivian and shit were practicing their "hip-hop" dance and we tried to get in, but they were being gay and wouldnt let us.
Quyen and I walked back down to see what Mariam and Amanda were up to, and we decided to show Mariam our "David" and once we'd pointed him out, we went back up to the dancing people to try and bust in again. There was lots of windows opening and closing and getting locked and shit, but we eventually got in. Well, Mariam climbed through the window, not noticing the door was already open cos the bell had gone. Oh well. What I dont get though is how Vivian will let Sam and Shirley in, but they wont let US in. I've already seen the "hip-hop" dance anyway. Me and Mariam had a couple of jokes about it but then we parted ways to go to Period 5 classes.
Period 5 for me was Science. Sophia and I freaking pwnt the worksheet that Mr. Robson gave us, and then he put on a video about dinosaurs. I watched about 5 minutes of it, and slept through the rest. I only woke up because Blosia poked me in the back with her ruler >.>
Period 6, History with Ms Johnson. Did some questions from a booklet, and waited anxiously for the bell that would signal our freedom.. until tomorrow. Jenn gave out the roses that Tommy bought her, because her 'rents would get suss and they ended up with all kinds of people. I saw a yr 11 boarder guy running off with one xD
Not much happened on the train, just fighting with Milan over a bottle of LA Ice and then realising Amanda had forgotten to take her iPod back from Tien and Justine. I have it, its safe with me :]
Andrew Do and I got off at Cabra today, looking for an Internet Cafe that would sell Gunbound or (?)Rakeion prepaid cards things, but no luck. BUUTTT!! We saw these ubercute pomeranian puppies near Red Lea and they were sooooo adorable! OMGSH! I sooo wanted to pick them up and run off with them! Well, I picked one up, but I didnt run off.
Bought chicken roll, bought Happy Cup and waited with Andrew Do for his train. Then I caught it with him to Fairfield, and then he waited with me for my train back to Cabra. LOL. So I got back, walked home, the end.
Whatta long blog today :] Lets see how many days in a row I can manage to post a blog, even if its just a short one.
♡ juliee ;