Oct 23, 2005 01:31
Ha! like i ever use this lj thing anyway...wats the point...lol, oh well i guess ill update...um ya i quit my job and im just working till the end of the month cuase my boss just had a baby (or his wife did to b more exact) so one week from now(on the 29th of october) i will work my last day (really not my last cause ill b working kinda...like an off duty person that only gets called wen his boss needs him, like wen he needs someone to cover for someone who is sick or if he goes out of town etc. i told him he could call me and i'd work for him and he said if i ever want to work he'll let me so if i need to get some money for something ill just work for a few weeks, lol, isnt that awesome. anyway next week i "stop" working and this weekend (the one im currently in) we r waiting for the hurricane wilma to hit us, it should b a cat. 2 by the time it gets to us on monday, so ya and last week was homecoming! that was awesome!! i went with Eleanor Gerdone, and had the best time ever (i know that all my friends were jealous cause my date was so much awesomer than all of ther's, but ill forgive them for ther jealousy) my mom let me take the hummer and i picked up camilo and joel and first got ready at ther house, (coming straight from work, where i burned myself and hopefully ill hav a really kool scar and not a big huge ugly one, {cause no matter wat im pretty sure im goin to hav a scar, so i figure hey if im goin to get one then it might as well look kool or not b very noticable either one} i burned my forearm on the waffle cone maker machines and it left a pretty big mark) sry...ADD...ok focusing again, i got ready and then went to Elle's house and picked her up and we went to pick up Elise at cameron's house and wen camerons mom finished elise's hair we stopped by camilo's for pics then went to mag's house for dinner which was very fun, like everyone was ther, ok im goin to go then ill update again and finished where i left off.