So, finally I am able to write a review about a 30STM show, too. YAY! :lol:
The show was on Sunday, 01/28 in Berlin - first show of their small European Tour.
I don't have any descend pics of the show itself, unfortunatelly, because I was way too far back, but well... ^^
Anyway, the review of the show:
After spending the afternoon walking from the venue to the Ostbahnhof and back, we (Karen, Jeanny II, Matthias, Antje and I) went into the line at about 6.30 pm-ish and had to wait for the doors to be opened at 8 pm. I thought it was pretty funny in the line, chatting with everyone and meeting new peeps and stuff, even though it was friggin cold and raining half the time.
We made sure to have enough space around us, so some others from the official boards were able to climb up the small wall to join us. (*wink to
kleinmelli and
Shortly after 8 pm the doors finally opened and we all went inside, where we were a bit surprised.
The concerts organizers told us, when we called them the week before the show, that there won't be any opening acts for the two Germany shows, but when we went over to the merch booth we saw some stuff of another band as well.
It was a German band called "Napoleon". I hadn't heard of them before but I personally kinda liked them, although the singer was kinda… weird, lol. He tried to joke around but he was like the only one how actually laughed about it, tho. But that might be, because he kinda told us, that we were only there to see "a very beautiful person". I mean c'mon -.-
The opening act played I think 5 songs. While the opening act was playing my girls and I were standing somewhere in the 6th or 7th row, in the middle. But during the break one of my ladies and I went further to the back, because I know that my circular sucks and since I didn't want to faint and miss half of the show I decided that this would be the smartest thing to do, considering that we didn't really eat anything and only drank coffee all day.
We ended up in like the 7th or 8th row from the back and this was still okay, since the venue was pretty small. We still were only like 20 metres away from the stage and still were able to see them most of the time.
The break lasted around 30 Minutes and then we got to hear 'O Fortuna' and the guys came out.
Jared directly jumped into the crowd and when he got back on the stage they started with ABL.
We can't remember the proper order of the songs, but they played:
The Story
Battle for one
The Kill
Was it a dream? (Jared Solo)
Capricorn (Jared Solo)
Fantasy + Closer Interlude
From Yesterday (with the Whole band)
Buddha for Mary
and at the end a small part of Some other Sun/Son
The guys sounded amazing and they all were in a great mood. The crowed was.. well okay I guess. There were quite a few biscuits who were there for Jared only and gave us odd looks just because we knew all the lyrics and not only 'the Kill' but hey.. who gives a fuck?! ^^
But there also were a lot in my surrounding who actually knew all lyrics, too, though. I think it was an okay-crowd, I actually expected worse to be honest.
After the show, when we were waiting in the line at the merch booth there were two of those fucking fangirls standing behind my friend and I and were talking about how Jared certainly would tell them that he wanted to marry them, and that he'd surely invite them on the bus *rollseyes* Seriously... we didn't know whether we should burst into laughter, start to cry and feel sorry for them because of their dullness or to be scared... That was a tough decision - and in the end we went with rolling eyes, laughter and the question if they really were that retarded and if they actually did notice that there were three guys on the stage as well.
The answer was like this: "*blank stare* Well... yeah... We did notive but in fact we're here for the singer, Jared Liiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeto is soooo hot! Who cares about the rest of 'em? " >.< Gosh, those two really were annoying.
And when it was my turn Jared told me that he loved my shirt and I quietly asked him if they'd be outside later and he told me "Yes, we'll be at the bus in a few. See you there!".
I heard one of those two biscuits behind us did ask him the same... and he just said "no" :D
When we all got our stuff signed (I asked them to sign my booklet of the s/t) we walked around the venue to where their bus was.
Shannon was the first to come out and about 5 minutes later Jared joined him, but told us that they only had a few minutes because they had to leave for Cologne and that we therefore needed to hurry a bit if we wanted to take pics and stuff. Shannon and Jared disappeared after about 10 minutes and we already thought Matt and Tomo weren't going to come out when a few minutes later they did for another 10 minutes or something like that.
So, unfortunately we didn't have that much time to talk to them but I did get a pic with Jared, one with Shannon and one of my girls, and one together with Matt and Tomo. It was great, though!
Although I've read it about a million times on the official boards, I was really surprised on how easy they're to talk with and how nice they were.
One of the German Echelon (her board name's Jesco) also made two big banners, the first one said "Welcome to Europe at last!". She hung it on the barricades in the venue.
The other one - we actually wanted to change it during the show but didn't manage to do so - said "Don't forget we love self-titled, too!".
Since they didn't get to see it during the show, we showed it to them, when they came out at the bus, and Jared was like "Yeah, we know you guys do. And we did play 2 songs from the self-titled!" And we were like: "Well yes, and it was great! But you guys really should play those more often." He was laughing about that and said "Well, maybe we should play a show with only those self-titled songs" :lol:
Awesome idea if you guys ask me :lol:
And that's technically it. We didn't have that much to time to talk to them but like I already said, it was still awesome!
A few pics..
The Trinity Seal logo:
Tomo - pretty much the only pic which I at least can call somewhat descend:
Here you kinda can see Matt:
And here kinda Jared and Matt:
Jesco's banners:
Matt, Tomo & I:
Shannon, Karen (Nesaja) & I:
Jared & I:
Hakky, Matt & Tomo:
Karen, Tomo & Mattie:
Karen & Jared:
Karen & Andrew:
Jesco & I - putting the banner back in the bag while I was on the phone with Elpida to tell her where we were:
Jeanny II (b.mary):
Jeanny II & Jared:
Jeanny II, Matt & Tomo:
Hekate & Shannon:
Antje (Simiris), Matt & Tomo:
Andrew & Shannon (lol):
Elpida, Sam or Penny (Gosh, I'm sorry one day I'll be able to tell who of you is who...)and half of Hakky's face lol:
Karen, before the show at McDonalds:
Jeanny II at McDonalds before the show:
And some other peeps with Jared. I'm really sorry but I'm kinda bad with names, so I don't know who that all is *stand in corner being ashamed*
If you're in one of the pics and would like me to send you the HQ version PM me on the boards or e-mail me (alania@ and I'll do so. ^^
And peeps please do not repost the pics somewhere, unless it's on the official boards or the European Echelon comm. And don't claim them as your own. I didn't want to tag them, but I'll do so and hunt you down if I see anyone claiming them as their own! Thanks!