Jan 26, 2005 13:23
Part 1
Name: jade alllyson caron
Birthplace: worcester
Age: 16
Age you act: weeeeeell...i can be pretty gay and immature like..7. haha but i can also act like 18 : )
Current location: north brookfield
Eye color: blue
Hair color: blondish brown..eh idk right now. but julies dying it dark brown with blonde hightlights for me. think it will look good? lemme know = )
Right, lefty or ambidextrous: righty
Zodiac sign: leo
Height; 5'7"ish
Part 2
Your heritage/nationality: im proud to be an AMERICAN
Your hair: asked this already...
Your fears: sharks, being alone
Your perfect room: i like my room, but i wish i had a tv. soon tho : )
What you normaly do in a day: school. chill with my buuuuuds : )
Part 3
Words you overuse: def, whatev..haha
Phrases you overuse: wtf..jk : )
Your first thought when you wake up: i hate school so bad. AGH
Your greatest accomplishment: dual valley all star sophomore year.haha sad but true.
Something you want to do: graduate, get married, be happy
Part 4
Pepsi or Coke: well DEF coke..my dad is a coke dealer. pepsi's for FAGS =P
McDonald's or Burger Kings: mickey-d's
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: britney..haha me and em are old school brit fans ; )
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Adidas or Nike: nike
Black or white: depends..clothes-black..actual color-white
Bills or Coins: bills def.
Burgers or hot dogs: burgers
Egypt or France: france
Rock or rap: i love both but rap more : )
Part 5
Smoke: i have
Cuss: ugh..yea =/
Sing well: i guess..ian says i have a horrible singing voice tho. ass
Sing in the shower: well DEF
Talk to yourself -a lot: um well in my head, not aloud. hah
Believe in yourself: not really, no
Like taking these longass surveys: haha well i do when im bored so it gives me somethin to do =]
Play an instrument: nope..i RLY wanna play guitar tho! (omg mb, you SUCK at eh KAZOO! lmao)
Want to go to college: mmhmm..BOYS BOYS BOYS
Want to get married: def <3
Want to have children: yea, but only 2- 3 at most
Think you're a health freak: NO
Get along with your parents: lately yes =D
Get along with your siblings: usually..me and beth fight over stupid shit. no biggie =) "if this is torture chain me to the waaaaall"
Think you're popular: yea haha not in a cocky way but i have lots of friends. love ya! (Oh, and i AMMM a plastic!)
Part 6 (In the last month)
Gone out of state: um no
Drank alchohol: sips..
Smoke: yes
Get high: yes
Eaten an entire box of oreos: nope
Been on stage: nope
Gone skinny dipping: nope
Been dumped: nope
Dyed your hair: nope
Stolen anything: nope
Part 7 (Your friends)
Craziest: um i have some crazy mofo friends =P
Loudest: mB (road rage!), jackie
Most shy: um..idk
Blondest: kell, josh, jack
Smartest: fran &jenna
Kindest: emily, rachel
Best personality: My Girls : )
Most talented: manda is a good dancer.
Best singer: licia and MB
Most ghetto: def reg : )
Drama Queen: hm
Pain in the ass: does mrs lamothe fit into friends? LMAO
The one you just want to strangle to death: hahaha well theres a couple lately
Funniest: mb, kim, manda, josh, jack, mink, tom
Best person for advice: MB
Dependable: MB : ) 15+
Trustworthy: MB
Druggie: poshyyy jp duuuuuuuude =P
Most likely to end up in jail: reg, nick, tom, richie..haha dem boyyyys
Person you've known the longest: MB, jacleen
Part 8
Last dream: haha it was weird..hill wanted to hang out with me but kelly, fran and linda were pissed and hill was being mean to them and they hated me even more! it was SO weird.. but entertaining haha
Last nightmare: kinda the one above..lol
Car ride: haha MB in the Saturn..=D
Last time you cried: this AM when my alarm went off
Last movie seen: tuck everlasting...(at ems) in theatre- oceans 12?
Last movie rented: i, robot
Last book read: the notebook
Last word said: no, mom
Last curse word said: **** =/ woops
Last time you laughed: in the car and on the phone with MB
Last phone call: mb
Last CD played: kelly clarkson!
Last song you listened to: country in the car with MB
Last annoyance: people
Last IM: MB, josh, kella
Last weird encounter: mB haha jk ;)
Last person you hugged: i pounced onto beth =)
Last person you yelled at: juliet? "get out of my ROOOM"
Last time you wore a skirt: tryin on stuff for SPAIN
Last time you've been evil: talkin with em..."we're evil..but fabulous!"
Sarcastic: all the tiem
Last time you fought with your parents: not for a whiiiiiiiiiile rly. its awesome
Last time you wished upon a star: summer.. i should try it more =/
Played Truth or Dare: junior high? haha
Spent quality time alone: moday when we had no school =)
Sorry- bored once again. now im goin sledding with MBKIZZLEEEEEEEEEEE =D