no school --> HELL YES =D

Jan 24, 2005 16:47

i heart snow days. : )

though i did nothing cool, exciting or fun today- i love snow days and its better than school. : ) although, i wish i got to do somethin with my girls. ah well.. 4 1/2 day week for me!! (gettin out early friday =D) WAHOOOOOOO : ) lol i hafta watch owen for beth. wayyyy better than school =) haha love him. he's movin to texas tho..ima miss my son so much! =/ but yea today i slept till 11, woke up..watched MTV (battle of the sexes 2 has been on allllll day! lol) and then showered, shaved, washed my face, and did girly stuff and pampered myself. it was awesoooome. haha : ) i wish i had a massuse tho. hm.. someday! :-D hehe yea then i cleaned my house, did some laundry, cleaned my room and the bathroom. the bathroom is effing spotless! LoVe It! i dont know why i get these cleaning urges every now and then haha : ) im weeeeeird. so yea now im jus watchin more battle of the sexes haha and tonight real world @ 10:30 and finale of battle of the sexes 2 @ 10 so theres my night. haha : ) what can i say? i have no life.. ah well.. ok well ima get goin and go for a walk maybe. or vacume my room or the hall.. hehe ; ) me a fag. OK well see ya poopheads later =P xxoo

i need to work on my paper for english. but if its due not gon be there! wahoooo so i get an extra weekend! YES =D
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