Mar 17, 2009 14:13

anyone who has ever posted in this community or is thinking of posting.. i just wanted to say first that i have been going through a shitty time right now and havent gotten the chance to really keep my eye on this community....  we arent as strict as we should be but if things dont change we might lose our affair forever!

do not post about how much of a drug to take or how to take it or anything that has to do with getting high and asking anyone on here... make friends on here so you can ask them outside the community w/e thats fine with us... but DONT fuck the affair up for everyone else.

this was the community owners exact words to me-

"how much of X substance do I take to get high? Can it make me high?"

Bad bad bad!! Do not say these things people, you're gonna get us shut down!

lets do what we can to make sure we keep this community going i think we have helped so many people and i think if people can just be careful about what they say we can continue to help people and do good.

please read the rules! and if you see a new person posting on here, point them toward the rules! thanks so much

junkie love- Tara

read the fucking rules

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