I know you want to shoot me

Oct 01, 2005 18:42

I havent updated forever because i never come on anymore because im dumb and never have time....I dont get back from soccer until like 6 and thats when i dont have a game. Which I might add our team in undefeated and we have scored 27 goals and had 0 scored on us. Ahhh The event you should all know about the GREEN DAY concert....It was the best. Jackie and i went there bought shirts how lovely....and then we went and watched some band that sucked and drank a lot of stuff and i had to pee alot... Then jimmy eat world played (jackie loves to call them J.E.W.) and i had to pee in the middle of that performance... then green day played.. they are like the sickest band ever and there performance was the best... THey had flame throwers and greenday confetti and then fireworks. I love them..they played for like 2 and a half hours and it was too pro to ever tell of.. WEll since then nothing special has happened..I went on a feild trip yesterday how nice we hiked to the top of a mountain and then back down..it was wicked funny. I hope you appreciate the time i am taking from a very extensive project hehe.... I got some gay thing in the mail about getting like all over 99 on my standardized testing... its some thingamagiger for smarts kids how nice...I'm going to be playing for the high school band too how jolly..... whatever kids i must be off


CINDELL- give me novacaine
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