Jul 08, 2005 01:32
OK SO LETS JUST PUT IT THIS WAY SoME NASTY PERSON THAT I DONT KNOW AND I HOPE I DONT KNOW...replied to a journal entry i had written in my LIVEJOURNAL about my family and my mom and all that lovely shit FIRST of all I would just like to say that it is my live journal and i will say what ever the fuck i want to say cause i can and second of all dont come in here and leave nasty comments when u dont even know what the fuck you are talking about unless you know all about me and what happen to me when i was little and how i grew and how my life is now I DONT need NOONE fucking commenting in my livejournal about how i want sympathany from other people because of what i write in here...cause that isnt true this is somewhere where i go to write down what i am feeling, and another thing i also dont need some one fucking telling me there are children getting hit and beaten and there mothers are on drugs cause buddy or lady or whoever the fuck you are I AM THE LAST PERSON YOU SHOULD BE TELLING THAT CAUSE I GREW UP IN THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MY FUCKING LIVEJOURNAL IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I WRITE THEN DONT FUCKING READ IT! and another thing you dont live with me so you dont know what is going on so dont tell me what i can and can not write...
and please dont put freaking anoymus comments actually have balls to leave your name
to any of my friends that read this i am sorry for all the swearing it just made me really upset...