Mar 14, 2005 21:20
i hate life and everything it holds for me for the really does suck you know...not many ppl can relate but there is that selected few who just give up too easy and totally frickin hate everything!!.. Why the heck was i put on this earth, ya i mean dont get me wrong its not like i wasnt supposed to be here but i mean come on nothing has gone right for me expect potty training...thats where i learned there more than one way to guide urself, right or wrong...i think that i have a plan already made up for me that says "mike u suck"...but its true, im just not thrilled about anything i do or what happens to me...sure at times i say i love it, but really im sayin WHY!!!...i just wish i could stop and turn back time and be different like everyone else , instead of being somebody who just doesnt get it....maybe i'll just tell myself im notyhing important and gfive up on im not crazy and not sad....but well lets see what a good word is for it......frustrated!!!..YES im very mmmm confused and i need some insight on what is going this is not a bad note; just a feeling im having a hard time with.