I spent hours on it, cause I get distracted easily.
Those are my fingers, after I blended a rainbow that I drew for Jenn for her birthday. I thought it was insanly pretty.
Annnnnnddddd....Mushroom! (There's a good 80 of him, I'm sure)
I love this cat so goddamn much.
He's so fucking wonderful!
Just so you know, that's a catnip thing. Not a pillow, as Kelli mistook it.
What a cutie!
I'm sorry for the abundence of cat pictures. I just think he's amazing and absolutely gorgeous, and love to show him off as often as possible.
Just for the record, my arm isn't actually as hairy as it looks there, and not as uneven in color. That's just weird. And you probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't say anything, but it'd bother me if I didn't.
And then he started playing with the camera string :)
We were both stoned, he was amazed by the string, I was amazed by him amazed by the string. They continue.
But who cares? He's so fucking cute!
Back to the catnip.
He's the one who's kept me sane and happy the last few days. Come on, how can that not make you smile?
Oooh, artsy.
Hahaha :)
*giggles* I love my kitty <3
Haha, my boob's popping out.
My tattoo! (It's obviously real hard to take a picture of your own back. So none of these are decent, or even of the whole tattoo. So here's a few, so you get the idea.)
It says, "The sun is shining, it's a brand new day, and I'm alive".
Oh, and obviously, it's not that shiny, that's just the neosprion stuff I had/have to put on it. Also, it's not as vibrant, since it's almost healed and all.
And "finally", me! (They eventually lead back to Mushroom, but I'm with him, cause I'm a freak.)
Oh yeah, I was in a bad-ish mood when I took these... so like, yeah. You can kind of tell.
I really like that picture.
These next few are blurry, cause when I was trying to hold Mushroom and turn my camera on, the camera slipped from my hands (like I'd honestly let Mushroom fall over the camera, pfft), and fell on the floor... Uncentering the lens, and making it, like, weird. But then I noticed and fixed it.
You can tell a picture isn't very good in my opinion when I fuck with the coloring. It looks better this way, even though it's not real. I guess it can be like, art or something though.
Ha, always gotta have at least one incriminating picture.
That's the lot of them.
Wait. One more, to make youme smile.
Fuckin'... Damnit. <3
This took far too long. And I hope you're all happy. Why would you be? I don't know. But I hope you are, whatever the case.