Kuchibiru Kara Romantica [Marluxia/Axel, PG]

Aug 25, 2007 21:29

Title: Kuchibiru Kara Romantica
Pairing: Marluxia/Axel
Written For:
iwantasoda - sorry this took so long!! T_T
Type: erk.
Rating: PG

There was a rose on his desk.

A rose.

What the hell?

Axel stormed over, picked up the offending flower, and smiled with satisfaction as it burnt to a crisp.

He tossed the ashes out the window, and followed them with the slim vase it had come in. The glass shattered on the pale steps of the World that Never Was.

Only one person would have done this, Axel thought grimly. Goddamn fucking pink princess.

Well, there was more than one way to skin a cat.

{ + }

“You didn’t have to do that,” Marluxia hissed under his breath as he passed by on the way to his chair.

Axel smirked.

Xemnas leaned forward. “You’re late, Number Eleven. Why would that be?”

The Graceful Assassin had a very unpleasant, ungraceful expression on his face. “There was… damage, in my rose garden, that required my immediate attention.” The words were spoken through clenched teeth, much to Axel’s happiness.

Demyx looked from Marluxia to his friend on the left - and wasn’t terribly surprised to see the satisfied smirk on Axel’s face. The Nocturne had been watching them for a long time. It was like... an itch he couldn’t scratch, hovering at the periphery of his consciousness, begging to be understood.

What was going on between them?

What was going on between Marluxia and Axel?

The question was enough to drive anyone insane.

{ + }


The Schemer looked up from his book. “What is it, Demyx?” The Nocturne had been talking to him more and more lately, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, he supposed.

“There’s something that’s been bothering me.”

“What is it?” Would he just get to the point already?

“...I can’t figure out what’s going on between Axel and Marluxia!!” Demyx pouted. “There’s something, something weird… Luxord and I both feel it, we’re the ones caught in the middle!”

Zexion raised an eyebrow. “They like each other, don’t they?”

“What?” Demyx frowned. “No they don’t they pick on each other all the time!”

“No…” Zexion sighed. “They… like each other.”

Demyx stared blankly at him. “Like… like like?”

“Yes Demyx,” Zexion muttered, at the end of his patience. “That kind of like.”

“Like, want to kiss Luxord like?” Demyx suddenly realized what he’d said and clapped his hands over his mouth.

Zexion winced. Too much information! “Yes, Demyx... exactly like that.”

“…Oh!” The Nocturne sighed and nodded. “I was worried it was something bad.”

“No...” Zexion fingered the bridge of his nose, exasperated. “Now go... tell Luxord, or something.”

“Okay!” Demyx jumped up and flitted out the door, leaving Zexion to roll his eyes. Seriously. Probably the only ones who didn’t realize the two numbnuts liked each other were Axel and Marluxia themselves.

{ + }

“You burned up my rose garden!”

“You left a flower on my desk!”

“Yes, but…” Marluxia resisted the urge to just punch him. “That… didn’t… destroy anything!”

“You left me a flower, I left you a fire.” Axel shifted closer, and smirked. “I’m flaming, baby, and fire is the essence of destruction.” Not knowing exactly what the hell he was doing, Axel reached up and traced a finger along the line of Marluxia’s jaw.

“Flaming?” Marluxia smirked.

Axel returned it, and winked. “I’d burn you up.”

“Might be worth it.” Marluxia caught Axel’s hand and laced their fingers together.

Axel’s eyes widened. “No, I’m serious. I could burn you up, Marluxia.”

“And I’m serious...” The Graceful Assassin leaned forward and brushed their lips together. “It just might be worth it. Axel.”

And that was the end of the argument, and the talking, for the day.

marluxia/axel, fanfiction, marluxia, axel

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