Heart Attack [Mar/Lar]

Aug 23, 2007 10:49

Title: Heart Attack
Pairing: Marluxia/Larxene (Marleeeene!)
Written For: arson_attrition and villanelle_koi - because I suck at telling people apart! XD
Type: erk. Fluff? and humor. I laughed, anyway.
Disclaimer: me no own. me want poke. [I hardly ever remember to do a disclaimer... -_-;]
Rating: PG-13
A/N: guess where!

"Heh. I knew I'd find you here."

She glared over her shoulder. "Not exactly tough to figure out," she snapped.

"On the contrary. I'm the only other one who even knows this place exists..."

A loud boom and crack sounded, and a bright flash of light spiked up from the tall tower a mere thirty yards from where the two Nobodies stood. Larxene cackled.

"You really get a kick out of it, don't you?" The other speaker pushed his hood back, revealing layers of dusky pink hair and sly green eyes.

"It's great. Not exactly your cup of tea, but then, what is?" The blond woman found gardens to be boring and tedious, and thus reasoned that nothing Marluxia liked was fun.

"Chamomile, with honey and a dash of rum. But that's not the point." He stepped forward, peering closer at Larxene's face. "What happened? You never come out here unless you're upset."

"Who said anything about being upset?!" Another, fiercer bolt of lightning struck the tower. "I'm not upset!"

Marluxia reached out and touched the edge of her jaw, then leaned in and gently pressed a kiss to her temple. "You're sparking, dear." He shook his hand out; even that small contact left his whole hand tingling. Not to mention his lips.

"I know," she grumbled, grudgingly allowing him to touch her. It was better that way - letting off the charge gradually, so she didn't burn herself up or kill Marluxia accidentally. "It was Luxord - again. I've told him a thousand times to leave me the hell alone, but he just doesn't quit... and I found one of his goddamn cameras in the shower. AGAIN!" Tiny sparks of lightning leaped over her skin as she got agitated, just thinking about it.

Marluxia bravely slid off a glove and ran the back of his hand over her cheek. It would be numb later, but he healed fast. It was worth it. "Perhaps I shall have to have a word with him." It wasn't the first time he'd wanted to - but Larxene always stopped him, said it was too much like chivalry. Marluxia didn't see what was the problem with that, but he graciously held himself back from acting like a jealous husband.

As expected, she shook her head. But the words that came our of her mouth contradicted it. "Maybe you should. I don't know!!" Another bolt of lightning touched down in the empty plains, a little further away. "I just..." She suddenly buried her face in Marluxia's chest, and he gritted his teeth against the electricity. Worth. It.

"...I wish I could just punch him in the face and scream 'NO, BITCH! I'M TAKEN!'"

Marluxia smiled. Angry Larxene was incredibly endearing. "Then why don't you?"

"Ha." She fumed silently for a minute, and Marluxia could feel all the hairs on his body stand on end. "I wish. But he's my superior, Xemnas would be all over my ass before I could even think 'satisfaction'."

"Oh dear. I sincerely hope not."

"Not like that!" Larxene smacked him, perhaps with a little more force than necessary. "God, you see what I mean? Real people have it so goddamn simple! We could just get married and be done with it, and then we'd both have an excuse to punch Luxord's lights out!"

Marluxia privately wondered if that was the real reason behind all of this - the desire to use the gambler as her own personal punching bag. He didn't necessarily disapprove. "...If I asked you to marry me, would you?"

"Don't be silly, of course I w - " Larxene stopped, and pulled away from him. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Absolutely." Marluxia smiled one of those enigmatic smiles. "Whoever said brides have to be human?"

"That's ridiculous!" She threw her hands up, sending small bolts up from her palms. "We're Nobodies, in case you missed the memo! We don't have hearts! We're not capable of love!"

"Are you saying you don't love me?" Marluxia raised a delicate pink eyebrow.

Larxene spluttered. "That's... not what I'm saying!"

Marluxia reached out and brushed a hand over her jawline, ignoring the numbness slowly spreading up his arm. He wasn't in danger of a heart attack, anyway. "History dictates that love and marraige are hardly related, in any case."

"So..." Larxene was fighting not to blush, and the anger made her stutter. "So what you're saying... you're fucking proposing to me?!"

"Yes." He smiled. "I am. If you'd rather I got down on one knee, that can be arranged."

"Oh hell no!" She glared at him, hands on her hips. "Goddamnit, why do you have to be so... so..." Charming? She quashed that thought. That was silly.

"Infuriating?" Marluxia supplied helpfully.


He smiled at Larxene. "Will you marry me?"

"You're going to give me a heart attack!!!"

"Impossible." He smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes. "That's not the point!"

"Will you or won't you?" He tilted his head to the side slightly, inquiring.

Her eyes slid away from his, and she frowned. "I'm not wearing white."

"You don't have to."

"Why are you being so damn accomodating?!"

"Because my love of the classic is not worth your wrath," he murmured with a grin. "And I am willing to give up quite a lot of my personal preference if it means that I can marry you."

"Wrath my ass!" She scowled darkly. "I don't want to walk down the aisle. I'm not wearing white. And I sure as hell am not carrying a bunch of gay flowers. You can do all that crap."

Marluxia grinned. "Fine by me."

"And Luxord is not invited!"

"Is that a yes?"

"Damnit Marluxia! You're going to make me say it out loud on top of everything else?!"

"Considering the situation..."

"YES damnit, YES! I will marry you! Now shut up and kiss me before I kill you!"

fanfiction, marluxia/larxene

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