Thirty Dirty Dates [ There You Will Be ]

Aug 19, 2007 23:17

Title: Thirty Dirty Dates [ There You Will Be ]
Pairing: Xaldin/Xigbar (with a bit of Leon/Cloud and Riku/Sora implied... maybe more than a bit >_>)
Written for: 30_dates
Prompt: 3 - Movies
Type: humor/fluff
Rating: PG-13 (language)

"Sora! Don't fall behind!"

The Keyblade Master ran to catch up with the small crowd walking through the streets of Hollow Bastion. Yuffie clapped him on the head and ruffled his hair. "Come on, silly. You're really gonna love this!"

Up ahead, Cloud was sandwiched between Aerith and Leon, who were both trying to talk to him.

"...wonderful director, I think he did that other one, with the..."

"..s try to get a seat near the back, away from Yuffie, she'll be..."

Cloud sighed and decided not to pay attention to either of them.

Donald and Goofy brought up the rear, speculating about the big surprise that Yuffie claimed was in store for them.

And behind everyone, following a block away, two men in black coats were arguing. As usual.

"Why did you have to drag me here? Watching Sora only requires one of us."

"Don't be such a stick, Dilan. I brought you here for a reason!" The thinner one slung an arm around the other's muscular shoulders. "You'll see. I promise you'll like it."

"How many times have you told me that?"

"And how many times have I been right?" A rakish grin peeked out from under one of the hoods. "Just trust me, okay?"

"Fine." Xaldin rolled his eyes. Whatever. Two pairs of eyes - well, three eyes total - on Sora was better than one. And it wasn't like he had anything better to do.

As everyone filed into the movie theater, Leon and Cloud tried to surreptitiously detach themselves from the crowd and move to a pair of seats farther away...

"Hey guys~!" Yuffie waved and called out to them, a bright grin on her face. "What are you doing over there? Come here!" She plunked Sora down on her right side, with Donald and Goofy next to him, and then motioned Leon to sit next to her. "See? You guys can sit here, and then Aerie can sit next to Cloud over there!"

Leon scowled. Sure, because that's just what Cloud wanted.

Cloud, however, looked indifferent, and took the seat with his usual stoic attitude. A watchful eye, however, might notice that he leaned slightly to his right, and only that arm lay on the armrest.

Xigbar snickered and leaned over to whisper to his partner. "Looks like someone isn't happy with the seating arrangements..."

"If you keep talking, I won't be happy with them, either," Xaldin muttered back.

Sora bounced excitedly in his seat. "So what's gonna happen? Why are we here?"

Yuffie laughed. "Calm down, Sora, and you'll see!" She patted him on the head again, grinning.

Sigh. "It's late."

Aeirth laughed softly, bringing to mind rose petals falling or something equally graceful. "They have a tendency to start late. I'm sure it'll start soon."

Leon slid a little farther down in his seat and wished the movie would just start already... or, more precisely, that the lights would go out so they could see the movie. He didn't give a damn what was actually playing, as long as it took Aerith and Yuffie's focus away from him and Cloud.

"Stop that. Shut up. It's starting." Xaldin pushed Xigbar's hands away from where they were tugging on a stray dreadlock.

"But it's just previews..." Xigbar whined, then grinned as the lights went low.

Xaldin shifted around. "I don't like this. We're not going to be able to keep an eye on Sora like this."

"Psh. As if! He's not gonna be leaving until the movie's over, anyway. He's not that kind of guy."

Xaldin agreed silently, then grudgingly turned his eyes to the screen, where the movie was just starting.

As the story unfolded, Xigbar became more and more restless... kicking the seats in front of him (which, thank god, were empty), playing with Xaldin's hair, and chucking popcorn at Cloud. It hit the blond swordsman with his usual precise aim, and he whipped around in his seat, trying to see through the darkness and shifting colors.

"What is it?" Leon said, looking at Cloud curiously.

"Nothing. Just some nut with a death wish tossing popcorn." He smouldered silently. None of this would have happened if Yuffie had just shut her big trap and graciously allowed the two men to sit in the back of the theater. No one could throw things at him there, and most importantly, he wouldn't have to put up with -

"Oh, that's sweet. I hope their wedding is a good one."

He winced, glad no one could see him in the dark. Aerith was being cotton-headed as usual, and cheering for every one of the main characters failed relationships. It was really, really getting on his nerves.

Suddenly he felt something warm near his right ear, and all senses came alert - only to realize that Leon had leaned close to whisper something. Instead of the expected sarcastic commentary, however, he felt lips brushing down his ear, and teeth nibbling on the earlobe.

He hissed. "Leon!"

A low chuckle, heard by his ear alone, reverberated through his soul. "No one's watching."

That much was true. Yuffie and Aerith - and Sora, to be precise - were totally enraptured by the sordid romance playing out on the big screen above them. A bomb probably could have gone off and all the girls would be able to say was "But why didn't they get married yet?!"

"I don't understand why she continues to destroy herself. That shepherd is far better to her than any of the other men." Xaldin frowned. This movie was aggravating him, but it was strangely addicting.

Xigbar rolled his eyes. "Well, duh." He returned to what he was doing, which was playing with the back of Xaldin's neck, a particularly sensitive place. However, his hands didn't seem to be working magic today - at least, not any more than the silver screen. "That's how it ends. She's lost and alone, and finally realizes what she should have known from the first two minutes - marry the damn shepherd!"

"Don't spoil it," Xaldin growled. Truth be told, he was fighting hard to not react to Xigbar's touch. Bastard even took off his gloves. That was cheating.

"What? Did you seriously think..." Xigbar shook his head. "Never mind. If you're too wrapped up in your damn movie, I'm not gonna care."

Five minutes of sitting still was about Xigbar's limit. Finally, he leaned over and began kissing the underside of Xaldin's jaw.

"Stop. Stop that. Braig..." Xaldin growled warningly.

"You're being a stick."

"I came here, didn't I? Now won't you let me watch the movie in peace?" He knew immediately that this was the wrong question to ask.

"As if!" Xigbar grinned and toyed with the zipper of Xaldin's coat. "You're free to watch the movie... at least, free to try and watch it!"

Oh no. Xaldin was seriously worried now. Well, if they were caught for PDA, they could just escape through a portal.

He tried. Really he did. But within minutes, that became completely impossible, because Xigbar was straddling his legs, hands roaming over Xaldin's bare chest, and - well - his head was in the way. That was the whole problem right there. When you're viciously kissing someone, it's rather hard to see through them, unless you have magical eyesight. And Xaldin definitely didn't.

Twice it occured to him that they should probably stop. Even if none of the theater staff got mad at them, one of the people in the rows ahead of them would turn around and be traumatized for life. And if it was Sora, well - who knows what could happen? That would be a bit hard to explain, and could quite possibly cost them Sora's trust.

Not that they really had it at all. Saix is just fooling himself if he thinks that Sora actually destroys Heartless for us, Xaldin had said once. We tried to own Roxas, and look what happened there. And Sora's got more of a heart.

Roxas was a blank slate. He should have been everything we wanted him to be... but he wasn't.

Not for the first time, especially with Xigbar's lips on his, Xaldin wondered what part of their theory was fundamentally wrong.

{ + }

"You're so quiet."

Sora looked up; startled. Not only was he surprised that Cloud was addressing him, but also the nature of the comment - well, if Cloud was calling him quite, something was probably wrong!

"It's nothing, it just... made me think."

"About what?" Cloud leaned against the wall, waiting while Yuffie and Aerith stayed to watch the credits.

"Well... it's kind of like..." he shrugged. "She was with a lot of guys before she was finally with the right one... and her story wasn't over until then." He shuffled his feet, looking nervous. "I just was thinking... well... I saved the princess. My princess. Happy ending, right?"

Cloud just waited.

"...but, my story's not over." He laughed softly. "Here I am, on another adventure, looking for..." he trailed off.

"Looking for Riku."

"Yeah. Looking for Riku." Sora looked really sad all of a sudden. "It's nothing, it's just stuff like that makes me think."

"You, thinking?" Yuffie came up behind him. "That's a first!"

Sora grinned and laughed at the joke, but he caught Cloud's eye... and knew that the older man had understood. And maybe they'd talk later, about falling in love, or maybe they wouldn't. Maybe this story had a totally different ending. Maybe the story was never over. Maybe Sora had a brick for a brain and had no clue what he was talking about.

Or maybe Sora already knew why his story wasn't over.

{ + }

Author's Note: If anyone can tell me what movie that is - preferably if you didn't see the title before I changed it - you get a drabble. Srsly. I will write a request for whoever can tell me what movie this is.

riku/sora, xigbar, xaldin/xigbar, thirty dirty dates, fanfiction, xaldin, leon/cloud

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