Duke Bartholomew Warren Bigglesworth the Fourth [PG-13, lol]

Mar 06, 2008 00:19

Title: Drinking Buddies
Pairing: Luxord/Xigbar - happy 10/2, everyone!! LOLLERY I only just finished it.
Type: :O SMUT?! Nope. Sorry! humor, mostly.
Rating: PG-13

They'd always been drinking buddies. They were the sort of people who automatically drew close to each other, the recognition of one who essentially wants the same things out of life.

So they drank and gamed together often, far apart from the bleak seriousness of the rest of the day. Sometimes Axel or Demyx joined them, but Xigbar had to admit that he liked it best when it was just him and the Gambler of Fate.

Xigbar spread his cards face-down on the table. "What, you've never danced before?? Come on, Luxy, pull the other one."

Luxord shrugged. "It's never come up, I was always the one playing the music." He extended a hand over the table, and the cards flipped over. "And you lose."

Xigbar winced and took a sip of his rum. "Wul then yeah, a dance contest would be about as fair as playing cards with you." He shook his head; he'd never won against Luxord, not even once, and yet here he was, still playing.

"And it would be for a similar reason - lack of experience." He twirled a finger and the cards zoomed in a small whirlwind, shuffling.

"Hey, I've played enough games in my life to - "

AAAARGH GODDAMNIT!! There he goes again. A dice-shaped Xigbar bounced around the floor, onto Luxord's foot, then up in his lap, while Luxord himself sat back and chuckled.

POOF. Xigbar could manipulate space, so the dice trick didn't work for very long on him, but it was still enough to -

He slammed his hands down on the armrests; somehow he was now straddling Luxord. And somehow, this was definitely not a problem with him. Probably all that rum. "Damnit, Luxord! What'd you do that for?!"

Luxord laughed again, and to Xigbar's surprise (well, somewhere in the back of his mind he was surprised) he made no move to get Xigbar off of him. "You lost, I turned you into a dice." He smirked. "Seems fair."

"Nuh-uh." Xigbar waved a hand vaguely, trying to emphasize his point. "All that did... was get me from over there - " he pointed across the table. " - to here."

"And whatever makes you think that wasn't my goal in the first place?"

Xigbar considered this, his single yellow eye narrowed in a glare. "That sounds suspiciously like a... thing." What was it? "You comin' on to me or something?"

Luxord suppressed a laugh, lightly intoxicated Xigbar was hilarious. "Possibly." He grinned.

Xigbar didn't waste time. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Luxord's, sliding against each other, rough.

After a long minute, Xigbar pulled back, panting a little - Luxord had VERY talented lips. The blond smirked. "And what if I wasn't coming on to you, luv?"

Xigbar grinned, a note of mischief in his eyes. "Then you just made out with me for a minute and a half for no reason."

"It was a minute and ten seconds."

"I bet I could make it an hour and ten seconds."

And... he'd said the magic words. "A bet, you say?"

His hands crept up Xigbar's sides, and toyed with his zipper.

"...I never could resist a good bet."

xigbar, luxord/xigbar, luxord, fanfiction

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