Scars [Xaldin/Xigbar, PG]

Oct 05, 2007 02:14

Title: Scars
Pairing: Xaldin/Xigbar
Written For: iship_ot13, week two challenge
Rating: PG, oddly enough

"Hey there, sexy."

Xaldin dropped the book he was holding; not even noticing how it fell on his toes. "What the hell happened to you?!"

"Huh?" Xigbar looked down at himself, coat shredded, long gashes crisscrossing his body. "Oh. Right."

Xaldin scowled, arms crossed then pointed at his bed. "SIT. Now." He drifted over to the cabinet beside his desk, and began rummaging inside. "Try not to bleed on my sheets."

Xigbar smirked. "My, I've never heard that before," he remarked sarcastically.

"Stop that." He took out a case full of stitching equipment, then moved closer to the bed. "All right, tell me what happened."

"Weeell... Ow," Xigbar muttered, scowling. Xaldin was so going to kill him for this. "I guess you could say I got into a... disagreement of sorts... with uh. Number Seven."

"...You pissed off Saix." Xaldin stared.

"...Yeah, I pissed off Saix." That was pretty much the only way to put it.

"GENIUS!" Xaldin tugged on the thread he was currently sewing up Xigbar's face with, and Xigbar yelped. "What the hell possessed you to do THAT?!"

"It's that stupid X on his face!!"

Xaldin groaned inwardly. This story was just getting worse by the second. "Let me guess. You shot it with something. You had an irresistible urge to shoot Saix in the face because he has an X on his forehead."

Xigbar grinned. "Hey Xaldin, you know me sooo well!"

FACEPALM. "Xigbar... I... you... you're so... stupid!!" Really, it was mind-boggling at times.

"Oh boy, the look on his face...."

Xaldin shook his head. "What did you shoot him with, anyway?" A small grin curled at the edge of his lips. The cuts looked worse than they really were, anyway - more like scrapes, wide but shallow.

"A suction-cup dart. I'm not stupid enough to shoot him with something that hurts." That would have meant certain death, for both him and Saix.

"Well, there's a good thing," Xaldin muttered, rolling his eyes. "...Please tell me you at least got a picture of that before he mauled you."

"Yup!" Xigbar grinned happily, then stretched out backwards, as Xaldin was finished with his torso. "And oh man, it was worth every second. The look on his face..."

The quirk of a smile grew. "I'm sure it was delightfully furious."

"Actually, first he looked like he had no idea what was going on, and it was kind of hilarious... THEN he looked furious." Xigbar winced as Xaldin pulled a little too hard on his leg. "Ow. You done yet, doc?"

Xaldin snorted. "Just about. You'll have quite a few scars, though."

Shrug. "Nothing new there." Xigbar manipulated the space on the bed - usually he'd just shift over, but he didn't really trust his skin to not scream in pain - so that Xaldin could lie next to him. "C'mere, big guy. I miss you, and all that crap."

Xaldin shook his head, and picked up the book he was reading before sitting on the bed next to Xigbar. He wasn't tired enough for sleep yet. "You know, sometimes I wonder what would happen to you if I wasn't around."

"Man, I never wanna find out," Xigbar replied with a grin. He curled an arm around Xaldin's leg, ignoring the twinge in the stitches. "I'd probably get myself killed."

Snort. "Accidentally or on purpose?"

"I dunno... maybe a little of both..." He yawned; all the pain and the anesthetic was making him sleepy. "...Couldn't live without you," he muttered.

Xaldin shook his head again, sighing inwardly. Really, Xigbar said the stupidest things sometimes.

His hand came to rest on Xigbar's head, and he twined his fingers in the grey-streaked hair.

"Couldn't live without you either," he muttered under his breath.

xigbar, xaldin/xigbar, fanfiction, xaldin

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