And Olivia & Ashley!
Love you girls!
This weekend was soo good! =D
Friday ♥- Went to school, It was a good day from what i remember =]
Went out to Eat with Jordyn & her mom.
Saw Ronnie & other people there lol =p
Than after school me and Jordyn went to her house & chilaxedd =]
Later that night we went to the movies to see Rent with Joe & Ronnie.
Weirdd Movie! But i thought that the ending was good! ♥
Thenn we went to starbucks at like 1 in the morning.
Then we were stranded and we tried calling a cab, but none were available! =[
So Jordyns' mom just ended up picking us up. Sorry about that girl!!
So then we went to Jordyns house and talked for a little then went to bed! =D
Saturday ♥- Woke up around like 1:30ishh.
Then my dad came and got me at Jordyns around 2/3 ish?
So i went home, Family came over for a little bit to celebrate my birthday.
That didnt' last too long! =O
So around 10 i went to Laurens ;;
Paige was there! =D
They played an AWFULL trick on me!! >:O
ahaha pooch pops!!
You guys are horriblee!!
So we all just hung around ;; watched the wedding date & pochahounts hah =]
Fun night!!
Sunday ♥- Woke up around 2:00ish! =]
We all took showers & got readyy
Paigerss went home =[
Then me and Lauren went to Deriks with Shane!
So we hung out there for a little bitt & then Derik drove me home =]
So i got home ;; ate dinner
Then it all went down hill from thereee =[
Sunday night wasnt a good thing.
My parents are soo IMMATURE! Its sickening!
They wont even talk to eachother or ANYTHING.
So anyways // i didnt go to bed until like 4 in the MORNING! =O it was outrageouss!!!
Monday ♥
Lit & Comp-Came in like 10-15 mins latee because i got up late! Then we just did this stupidd stupidd thing for "of mice & men" BLAHH. But i got my present from Jordyn!! Its soo cute! Thanks girl! =D
Gymm-Stupid basketball && Courtney, Jordyn & Marissa were making fun of my static electricity hair! =[ ahah! ♥
French!-Got to sit in the sweet chair today because it was my birthdayy B] it was hott lol && Thenn my ballons came!! =D Thanks Jordyn && Molly ♥
Algebra-Gayy notes && homeworkk =[ blahh. But stupid Joe and Taylor ingore the shiatt outa me! =O
Lunchh-Good but not good!! Dustin ahahah =p
Historyy- Read some gayy book! booo
Sciencee- Me and Paige W did the wholee experiment! =O hah ohh well!! Fun class though!! =D
Soo todayy has been goood!
Hopefully tonight will be good too!!
Thanks to everyone who said Happy Birthday!!!
Love you all! ♥