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Mar 14, 2005 07:54

Hey ! Whats up my loves . Well yeah my birthday weekened was awesome . Am really happy i snuck out ! My first day being 16 and and first time sneaking out .. already started off bad . lmao . Well yeah last night i didnt go to sleep till like 12:30 cause i was on the phone with Desiree , then Luis , then Kristin and then millions of text messages . So yeah Then I didn`t wake up this morning when the alarm went off . Ugh what a loser i am . Umm yeah we were all talking before school about last night . Umm Oh yeah and my lovely friend Kristin baked me a cake last night and brought it to me today . Oh lordy , i love the girl i really do , but only God knows wtf that cake has . Im scared to give any to anyone cause then I don`t want half the school high or drunk and what not . lol . This is a short week so yeah . Then Wednesday is early release and I think were going to tell everyone to come over here for we could go to the pool or something . Umm yeah well I have to o cause there ae things to do m loves .

Hey Lissette : I love my friends more !!
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