(no subject)

Feb 17, 2007 04:33

Now why did I drag you here?
Pure and simple boredom, my friend.
Okay, I can't think of anything that's happening in my life right now that the triviality of which WOULDN'T put you in mourning for my generation, so I'm just posting to sum up what this blog's going to be like. As I've said before, while I'm trying not to sound whiny there actually isn't that much going on in my life, and what is going on either I don't want to talk about or you wouldn't be interested in. So I'm going to mainly be using this blog for my poetry or random thoughts on life, and now and then to shamelessly plug some book or film or band or whatever that I'm currently in love with (this happens a lot, and then I get sick of it/them 2 minutes later).

So what have we learned today?
  1) I ramble. A lot.
  2) This blog is going to be a lot of useless but faintly entertaining crap
  3) Squirrels are a bunch of crazy assholes . . . okay, we DIDN'T learn that, but you'll find that out at some point in your lives so it might as well be now, kiddies!

Oh, by the way, even if you know me, don't feel in any way obliged to read this. If it was me, I'd be out of here by now, due to serious attention span problems for which I will one day seek professional help, but which right now I am complacently ignoring.
Stay classy!
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