Title: Romance...In a Box
Characters: DBSK and an original character, Park Jin Hye. There are also slight appearances of other random characters.
Rating: Just to be safe, I'd say from PG to PG-13
Genre: Romance/Randomness/Fluff/Drama
Summary: When a package for DBSK arrives that contains more than they expected, their whole lives are flipped upside-down.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, or intend any disrespect.
It was a warm, summer day in Seoul. The streets were busy, the beaches were crowded and not a single cloud was in the bright, blue sky. Everything seemed to be laid-back and relaxed.
“YAAAAY! VACATION! What are we gonna do? Where are we gonna go? I’m so excited!” Changmin squealed as he went from room to room, waking each boy from his dreams. He was always the first up. He ran into Yoochun’s room.
Ugh..damn. Why does he always have to wake us all up, especially this early and on vacation?
“I’ll get up in a little,” a groggy Yoochun said.
“Hyung, you’re no fun!” Changmin poked the seemingly lifeless bulge under the covers. Yoochun had fallen fast asleep once again.
Whatever, Junsu hyung will help me wake everyone up.
Changmin crept into Junsu’s room. He grabbed the pillow off of Junsu’s bed and prepared to hit him over the head. Junsu was a step ahead of the boy and pulled the pillow towards himself. Changmin fell forwards onto the bed. Junsu retrieved the pillow and hit Changmin over the head.
“EUHAHAHA!” Junsu laughed his adorable laugh and ran out the room.
Changmin quickly ran into Yunho’s room and stole his pillow. Yunho and Yoochun, suddenly awakened by the noises, finally got up and went downstairs. It wasn’t long until they were intercepted on their way to the kitchen and got bashed by pillows. The pillow victims were lying on the tiled floor as the culprits high-fived. A couple of minutes later, everyone but the heavy sleeper Jaejoong was up.
“Aw, Jaejoong hyung isn’t coming down? Oh well, that means another plate of food for me!” Changmin was tiny but ate like he had been starved.
With a mouth full of food, Yoochun said, “Let the princess get his beauty sleep.”
“Haha, yeah..One day he’ll probably wake up in a dress with a little tiara in his hair!” Junsu and Changmin giggled.
“I just hope he wakes up next to an actual princess,” Yunho complained. “I won’t die until I see him become a man!” Yunho was very anxious for Jaejoong to stop being so shy and uncomfortable around girls and get into a real relationship.
Everyone ignored what Yunho has just said and continued eating their breakfast. It was quiet since they weren’t a complete Dongbang family.
Jaejoong got up at his own pace. He walked downstairs and saw them enjoying breakfast. He wasn’t that hungry. He realized the mailman had passed, and since it was summer, fans had plenty of time to send them things. He opened the door to go check the mailbox. On his way out, he almost tripped over a huge box.
What the hell? What is this? It’s so..big. Hehehe. I’m going to open it..
He walked back in the house to get a small knife to cut the sealed parts open. He stuck the knife in and drug it across the top of the box.
“Watch it!” a cry came from the box.
“Huh?” I must be hearing things..
He finished the incision and pulled the two flaps apart. A girl wearing nothing but underwear and a bra rose from the box.
“Oh, um how did.. wait. Who are..?” Jaejoong had only seen her face. He looked at the tall figure and landed with a thud.
Not knowing what to do, she got on top of him and tried listening to his heartbeat.
She panicked and knocked on the door, which had shut behind Jaejoong. In the meantime, she started CPR. Yunho walked outside.
“Whoa! Nice way to start your morning! Getting it on with a chick on the front porch!”
The rest of the boys heard this and stepped out.
“Yeah, right it’s probably a cardboard cutout.” Yoochun said.
“You’re all so retarded! Jaejoong fainted!” Junsu covered his mouth after what he just said.
“Hyung!” Changmin called.
The girl got off and Jaejoong had returned to normal and was breathing fine.
Someone had just shipped Dong Bang Shin Ki a live human being.