Tell me im HoT

Mar 07, 2005 20:50

[[ The Basics ]]
NaMe; Deanna Tucker
AgE; 14
LoCaTIoN; North Carolina
GeNdEr; Female
SeXuaLtiY; Straight
SiNgLe Or TaKeN; SiNgLe N loViN it
HeIgHt; 5'1" maybe?
WeIgHt; 98 pounds
3 TurN Ons AbOuT The OpPoSiTe seX;
1. Personality
2. Hair
3. Eyes
3 TuRn OfFs AbOuT tHe OpPoSiTe SeX;
1. Bad Teeth
2. Immature
3. treats my girlfriends horrible. chiks be4 dicks.
4 FaVoRiTe SoNgZ;
1. Eric Clapton: Wonderful tonight
; 2. The Ataris: In This Diary
3. Aerosmith: Dream on
4. Eric Clapton: Tears in heaven
5 Fav. PlAcEz To ShOp;
1. Abercombie
2. Express
3. American Eagle Outfitters
4. Hollister
5. Delias
Whats Your Fav. OuTfIt, show pictures, go online (consisting of, shirt, pants/skirt, shoes, accessories);





3-7 FaCe PiCtUrEs << dOnt LiNk.

1-4 FuLl BoDy PiCtUres << once Again do NOT linkDIV>

im the one takin the picture.

We need to know your thoughts
How do you feel on...

; Abortion; I believe that you have a choice. You shouldnt have a baby that you dont want, abusive relationship or something and you dont want to bring it in the world with that kind of thing, or cant take care of finacally .(sp?) and i dont think you should jugde someone on if they have an abortion or not. its there choice and you never know why they had to do it, but you shouldnt just have an abortion for a of birth control.
Gay Marriges; ; 100% for it. It doesnt matter what sex you are. if you love someone it shouldnt cant help who you love and if you love  someone of the same sex its there choice and they shouldnt be jugded or stop from gettin married just because their the same sex.
George W. Bush; Well, Im not really all in to the politic stuff, but i dont agree with george bushes choices. so im not really for him.
Emin3m; Hes not that all good. good looking yes, but its awful music, and he cusses way to much, and there are little ears out there who doesnt need to be listening to it but does. so, im not really in to him... if any of you are then go ahead and listen to him. its just i dont think that he has talent or anything.
Different Race Dating; 100% for. It makes me so pissed off how people jugde people on what color they are. they are PEOPLE. just like white people. so i dont understand why people have a problem with dating someone who is "black". ugh...gosh.

[(OtHeR PiCtUrEz)] NoN PoRno PlEaSe << OnCe AgAin Do nOt LiNk

Thought that was pretty funny! lol. Thats a Lollipop.

This is my love!! SHADOW. i absolutely love this kitten. she was born the 13 of Nov. 2004

Promote us to 4 places. give the links (promo banners are in the user info @ the bottom <3);
WhAt MaKez YoU WaNnA Be A Hotti?; i just wanna be a hotti because its a really hot community!
ArE YoU gAnNa Be AcTiVe?; yes.
WhAt Do U tHiNk U WiLl GeT {yes Or No}; yes
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