[x] First & Middle Name; Emilia Maria (my first name is pronounced like Amelia)
[o] Nickname[s]; Mia
[x] Age & Birthdate; 15, November 20, 1990
[o] Location; Northford. CT
[x] Sexual Preference [Straight/Bi/Gay]; Straight
[o] Relationship Status[pics?]; Single… unfortunately
[x] Best & worst quality; Best; I’m fun to be around I think, Worst; I get annoyed easily.
[o] Best & worst feature; Best; eyes maybe. Worst; my body.
FAVORiTES( List at least 5 );;
[x] Foods; Pizza, Mac & Cheese, Grilled Cheese, Golden Grahams, Chicken
[o] Drinks; Coca Cola, Coca Cola Zero, Poland Spring Water, Chocolate Milkshakes, Chocolate Milk
[x] TV Shows; Boy Meets World, Full House, Gilmore Girls, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: CI
[o] Bands/Singers; Brand New, Taking Back Sunday, Hawthorne Heights, Motion City Soundtrack, The Spill Canvas, Fall Out Boy
[x] Stores; Pacific Sun, American Eagle, Kohls, Coach, Gucci
[o] Hobbies/Sports;Taking pictures, hanging out with my friends, meeting new people, reading, video games
[x] Actresses/Actors;Kate Hudson, Daniel Radcliff, Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Lindsay Lohan
DiSLiKES[ List at least 3 ] ;;
[o] Foods;Lasagna, any kind of beef, fish
[x] TV Shows; Whose Line is it Anyway?, General Hospital, All My Children
[o] Bands/Singers; some rappers but I don’t know their names..
[x] Actresses/Actors;Britney Spears, I don’t have a problem with most actors/actresses.
[o] Stores;Aeropostale, Charlotte Russe, Bella
YOUR LiFE...;;
[x]What was your happiest moment of life so far?; I haven’t had an overly happy moment, but probably my class trip in 8th grade to Philadelphia.
[o]And your worst moment?;When I found out my ex-boyfriend cheated on me.
[x]Most embarassing moment;When I fell in the cafeteria.
[o]Most Craziest Experience ;Philly 2004 with my now best friend!
[x]Who's your role model and why?[Provide pics if possible];My cousin because she is the only person I feel that actually cares and she is getting me through a very crazy time in my life. And she’s just crazy.
[o]What are two things you can't live without?;Chocolate, my friends.
[x]What do you want to be in life?;Either a teacher or something to do with computers.
NUMBER... ;;
[o] Of guys you've kissed?; one.. sadly
[x] Girls you've kissed?; none.
[o] Times you’ve been in love?; possibly one
[x] Of close friends?; like 3
OPiNiONS;; [ Choose AT LEAST 3 or possibly more for more chances of getting in ]
[x]Parental Advisory Stickers;
[o]Love;I believe that love is in the eye of the beholder, while some people may not think true love exists, others are completely sure they are in love. Everyone has a different view on what love is, I think it is something that helps you get through the bad times and makes the good times more amazing.
[x]Abortion; I am strongly Pro-Choice, it should be a woman’s decision because we don’t all have the same thoughts and situations, what might be okay for you might not be right for another person, no one has the right to choose but the woman actually having the baby, or getting the abortion.
[o]Pre-Martial Sex; If you believe you are in love and you are ready to accept the responsibility of all consequences then go ahead and have some fun.
[x]Underage Drinking/Illegal Drugs; I don’t see a reason to drink, sure once in a while at a huge party or something, but not all of the time.. it is just pointless. And Illegal Drugs.. I think that marijuana is acceptable because it doesn’t have as bad an affect on your body as other drugs such as cocaine. Doing marijuana all of the time is not what I consider okay, but once in a while is fine.
[x]Gay Marriage;
[o]Eating Disorders;
[x]George W. Bush;
[x]Condoms||Birth Control;both
[o]Thong||Full-Back Panties; either
[x]Coke||Pepsi; Coke
[o]Tanning||Manicures; manicures
[x]Abercrombie||Hot Topic; more hot topic
[o]Poor&Happy||Rich&Sad; rich & sad
[x]Mexican food||Chinese food; Mexican food
[x]If you could have sex with anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be and why?; hmmm.. probably Jesse Lacey from Brand New =)
[o]What would you buy with a million dollars and why?; Clothes, a car so I can drive where I need to, a timeshare in this villa in Florida that I am in love with.
[x]What's your biggest fear?; Snakes & Spiders & heights & small places.
[o] Make us laugh :)...
+Text = friends are like condoms, there to protect you when things get hard.
+Picture =
my sister’s boyfriend burned his finger on a candle while eating a huge piece of cake.. it was really funny.
[x]What sparked your interest to apply here?; It seemed like a really cool community, and I have always wanted to join one like this.
[o]Where'd you find out about
x_Hotterthanyou?; some other community I don’t remember.
[x]Are you going to participate in everything we offer and get as much points as possible?; Of course
[o]One reason you think you belong here; I’m just that cool =)
[x]Say something sweet about the mods;;;;
jadore_greendayvery pretty =) I wish I had blonde hair
krazykari123 you are pretty and remind me of someone I know =)
[o]Why should we accept YOU?; Because I’m hotter then you
[x] Promote
x_hotterthanyou to at least 3 active LJ's/communities and provide the links.
http://community.livejournal.com/__bookxwhore/759.html?view=184055#t184055 PROViDE AT LEAST 3 PiCTURES OR MORE!! (If there's more than 1 person in the photo, indicate who you are and don't make us guess!)