Oct 27, 2004 18:00
You better sing some good music, Thomas! ROFL.
XD, gomen! x_x
LMFAO. x_x
LMFAO!!! >_> Oh my...*eyes Thomas* XDDD
ROFL, CORIE!! >_> Dun kill teh Dracula now...<3
XD, alright Thomas! LMFAO, sorry. >_> *sneezes*
XD, CORIE. <3...>_>;
ROFL~ Aww~ *hugs Thomas* ;-;...*smacks LJ survey person thingy* >\
I guess dis be all! ROFL, the reason why I took all of these was because Corie, Misora and I were all in a chatroom and started taking these quizzes. XD, so funny, the quizzes we take and things we talk about. :X
Anyway, thank God things are back to normal now and Thomas and I are friends again. ^^;...of course, he still needs to apologize and I needs to talk to him...he only got on for a bit yesterday and when he did, I had to go take a shower. ><; so much for that...anyway, I needs to talk to him. e.e;...GRR, it rained again and...yeah, water all over the place. -.- I am seriously going to beat the crap out of my parents is they still decide to live here, seriously. I don't want to live here anymore and our manager is a bitch. I fucking hate her ass. Anyway, Imma go now, s'so cold and I gots homework....Thomas better get on. e.e *wiggles knife*
ROFL, I forgot. Duane grabbed my boob! LMFAO, after he said he wasn't. He did anyway 'cause I grabbed "his", ROFL. I love my friends. :]!!!! <333333
Minna mata ato de! ^_^/)
<333 -.<3 James <3.-.Ai shiteru.- <333