FANFIC: "Rogue in the Savage Land, Part 2" Ultimate X-Men

Apr 25, 2007 23:32

Title: Rogue in the Savage Land, Part 2
Author: resolute
Fandom: Ultimate X-Men, AU, sort of.
Characters/Pairings: Rogue, Magneto, Toad, Sabretooth, Original Characters
Rating: Part 2 is R, or Mature, or Adult, with sexual sequences, d/s fantasies, and violence.
Notes and Warnings: This is AU is two important ways. First and most importantly, I like the Savage Land. I know perfectly well that the UXM "Return of the King" story has Magneto in his Magritte-style fortress. But I like the Savage Land better, and have unilaterally moved the action to there. Second, this follows my previous UXM Rogue fics, the Weapon X series. Eventually this will all end up back at my very first Rogue fic, "Killers, the Lot of Them."

Part 1 is here.

Written for willowaus.

ROgue in the Savage Land, Part 2
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