Title: The Unquiet Affair of Rachel Grey and Nathaniel Essex: Epilogue
SionnainCharacter/Pairing: Rachel Grey (Marvel Girl)/Nathaniel Essex (Mr. Sinister)
Rating: MA
Warnings: BDSM themes, some violent sex (consensual).
Summary: In order to save her family and friends from Sinister's machinations, Rachel Grey decides to do something daring and agrees to stay with him for a month's time, in the hopes he'll finally leave her and her family alone for good.
Epiloge: After leaving London, Nathaniel and Rachel spend some time together at Milbury, the estate belonging to Nathaniel's long-dead wife Rebecca.
AN: I've been meaning to post this for a bit. This follows immediately after Chapter 10 of
The Unquiet Affair of Rachel Grey and Nathaniel Essex. It can be read on its own, but the backstory is probably helpful. Thanks to
Kethlenda and
Resolute for the beta!
(The Unquiet Affair of Rachel Grey and Nathaniel Essex: The Epilogue)