Feb 01, 2004 21:31
okay i went to bryans from joshs and 4 and i went home at 5. at 5:30 i called josh and asked if he wanted to come over and thats what the whole deal with the last entry was about. so he comes over and calls bryan. bryan calls some friends.
next thing you know libby cupp, rickylee, nick ippolito and chris wilson come walking threw my door. next thing you know theres people smoking and drinking out back and front. theres stickers and trash everywhere. likes like 30 people on the couch, the other couch is blocking the door. the game is on every tv music is blasting. i go into my room and my bed is all over the place, clothes are thrown everywhere. theres people all over the floor thoughout the whole house. the pictures in the hall were all sideways. my hosue was a mess. but let me tell you it was worth it. i had the fucking time of my life. i dont think i've laughed that hard in so long. it was beautiful. when everyone left it was just bryan, chris, nick, libby and rickylee. we sat out front smoking and wrestling, then they left.
then chris and bryan came back. then left at like 8:45. everyone said they'll be back next weekend. i am looking forward to it.