Jan 17, 2004 19:00

okay so yesterday. i hung out with bryan at the park. went to josh and daniels. aunt donna and uncle donni came to pick up daniel and i met his cousin david. bryan called me and told me to get my ass home right now. so josh and i went to my house at 6.
, bryan and chris came over. we partied. we had rap blasting so fucking loud. chris was playing xbox nick was jumping around screaming. bryan was screaming on his cell and smoking, josh was doing whatever and i was yelling at my dad. they left around 7. came back looking all gangster. it was funny. josh deiceded that he wanted me to spend the night. so i call me dad and he was a dick about it. so then josh called his house and no one answered. we called a million times when daniel finaly got home and answered they decided because scott and dori were asleep that they wanted to sneak me in. so i got my shit ready and walked to joshes with josh. got there. and we partied. i followed daniel around because he likes when i keep him company. then daniel and josh wnted to shoot out all there lights in their room. glass was fucking everywhere. it was awesome though. he just layed around. smoked some. then daniel and i made our bed on the floor. and i fell asleep at like 11:30-12:00 talking to daniel.

today daniel and i woke up at 7. we layed there and talked until 7:30. then he noticed there was dog puke all over the blankets. got pissed off and took a shower. i woke josh up. we ate cereal smoked a cancer stick. took showers. i met jason daniels brother. they look the same. daniel got ready to go to a funeral then left. josh and i walked to nicoles. he took us two fucking hours. then we got back ate pizza bought some more cigarrettes. and slept. my dad called being a dick because hes stupid and thought that bryan was daniel. and said that bryan stopped buy last night looking for me and he told him i was supposed to be over at his house. but i set that mother fucker straight. now bryan is having a party with a live band and i'm stuck here because my dad is a fucking idiot. i went over there anyway. stayed for like 20 minutes then he called my cell so i went out side to argue with him then went home becasue i hate him so much. i want to slice his face off and bury his body.

daniel coloring my hair black. taken last night.

daniel doing the dishes and looking away from me because he is a bastard.

me making a kissy face because i was bored and had nothing else better to do.
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