if you've seen the wedding part of "The Princess Bride," you'll know how i got my title. funniest thing i've seen in a movie in a very long time.
Chase is in frickin Shreveport! i miss him so much, ya'll have no idea. he'll be back this coming Sunday. we'll have crazy sex0rz and make out. just kidding. we'll wait about an hour. this time i'm not kidding.
ahh. would love to be drinkin' on New Year's Eve. would be if i were with Chase. or Lauren in Lafayette. i love her. she's the shit. if you don't know Lauren, you suck and your life is not complete. she's soooo f'n pretty and sweet. she's Kelsey's big sister. she'd be my little sister cause i'm older, kekeke.
this the time to show pictures, but i haven't uploaded to photobucket in so long. should do that tomorrow.
k, its 1:45AM CST and i'm a little tired. night night people.