Jan 06, 2009 22:18
Hey, we're almost a week into the new year, and I have yet to post a new blog. Well, here we go!
This is the time of year when folks make resolutions about what they are (or aren't) going to do the following year, so I thought I'd take a stab at it as well. I was thinking that a good idea would be to get a lot of household projects done this year, so I decided to try to tackle one of the projects needing done each month. I haven't come up with twelve projects yet, but I've got a few to get me started, and I can come up with more as the year goes on. Also, if a project ends up taking more than a month, I can always move around the other projects to allow more time for the one that's taking extra time.
I'll try to post updates as the projects move along, which should help in keeping on top of completing them. I'm also going to break each project down into sub-projects if possible to make it easier to see the progress, provided I'm posting updates as I get things done. In the interest of keeping these posts from being too long, I'm only going to list the sub-projects for the current project, though.
Here's the list of projects as it stands right now:
January - Clean and organize the house
- Get caught up on dishes
- Get caught up on washing and putting away laundry
- Install ceiling fan in the office
- Install shelving in the basement
- Finish painting the kitchen cabinets
- Clean up the back bedroom
February - Build a photography studio in the basement
March - Clean up the yard
April - Build a platform for the pool
Sometime... - Get the photo album up to date
Looking at the project for January, I'm not sure it's gonna get done this month, but the photography studio will be a much smaller project, so I think I can get both of them done before the weather starts warming up a little in March and we can start on the outdoor projects.
In addition to these projects, I want to become more physically fit this year, so I'm going to start an exercise routine. I've got a jumprope and some space in the basement, so the plan is to jump rope each Monday , Wednesday, and Friday, and to do a little weight lifting each Tuesday and Thursday. I'll take the weekends off, since Saturday is Sabbath and Sunday is the day I'll be doing a lot of the work on the monthly projects. When the weather warms up and I can spend more time outside I'll try to add some jogging or cycling to the routine.
Wish me luck in all my productive pursuits this year! And be sure to check in and get after me if I'm not keeping up with the updates.