(no subject)

Mar 14, 2007 20:01

Its Pi day.
3.141592.....nah..i wont go to the 70 digits i Know.
Anyways. I dont post much...i dont plan too begin too.  Times have changed.
If you want to know whats going on in my life, ask me.  :)  Its much more fun to talk then to tell.  I dont get on aim much either or myspace.  I've had a strong distaste for both.  always.  Aim only for peeps i cant see everyday.
Anyways.  Dress Rehearsal tommarrow!  wOOt!  (we are so stage sexy)
friday, march 16th at 7:30 pm
saturday, march 17th at 2:00 pm
saturday, march 17th at 7:30 pm
So there it is.  Come and see some hott cowboys and gals.
God really, really has given me so much.  And really dont understand what he is doing to me, but i guess ill go with the flow.  Who knows?  It may have been his plan all along!  Oh snap!  And i wont tell you caitlin/Sara, you gotta watch me! hehe.  im so sneaky.
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