thoughts =)

Sep 13, 2007 16:18

So I decided to update.
I'm the happiest I have been in a long time, everything seems to be going good lol *waits for something bad to happen*
 lmao no but seriously I am barelly even getting down these days.

anyways onto my point in this blog, people and their hypocritical behaviour.
I am a vegetarian, I am not a push it down your throat, yell at you, call you a murderer, scream and carry on at you if you eat meat vegetarian however, I believe choice is choice and this is my choice.
So why do so many people, apon hearing I am a vegetarian, try and make me justify my choice? why do they try and present reasons why being a meat eater is a better choice? why do they feel as though it's acceptable to argue their case and try and force their choice on me? yet if I were to do the same I'd be nothing but a pushy vegetarian trying to force my lifestyle on others.
It happened during a course I did earlier this year, these two girls laughed at me for my choice, and proceded to basically tell me I am a stupid fool and Im making myself sick when I dont eat meat.
it took alot to not yell at them, because they were being bitches basically, it also took alot not to point out that it has been proven that TO MUCH MEAT makes you sick, gives you alot of health problems and that red meat has been linked to many cancers *blah, blah, blah* none of this is why I dont eat meat, but still if done correctly a vegan lifestyle is one of the healthiest lifestyles one can live (key words there...if done correctly).
it takes everything I have to not ratle of the list of healthy, I repeat HEALTHY vegetarian and vegan celebrities, famous people who go to doctors regularly and crap, theres a ton of them. 
I just get annoyed at people because Im not a psycho vegetarian. Im not a force it down your throat, spazz if meat is anywhere near me kinda girl.
I dont care, its your choice...not mine.
so why do so many people in society think its okay for them to force thier choices on me and try and convince me that they are right?


ooh p.s. here's some pics of Charlie for kat lol

lifestyle, choices, animal rights, vegetarianism, meat, stupid humans. peta, bias

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