savage grace
Hey guys,
yesterday stupid me fell down to the ground by
slipping off on the iced street in front of my house.
So today I can't do anything, because my left ankle
hurts so much. My doctor says the outside hinge
is cracked. Awesome .______.' ~drop
Hm, okay, so, because I can't go five meters without pain and because of the fact that it looks terrible when I go I decided to sit down on the couch and watch some of my favorite movies. At first I watched the first and the second season of Queer as Folk, then I decided not to watch the third and hoppled in my room to take the movies 'Savage Grace' and 'Dream Boy'. I know this movies so much, but I always love it to see them. Today I especially enjoyed 'Dream Boy'. I love the book, the story, and the movie. It's perfect in my mind.
And... whooooop! This morning The postman brought a little package. It was the book, which I had ordered on amazon. The book's called 'Satt, sauber, sicher" (means: Full, Clean, Safe) and was written by Dirk Bernemann. I like this guy and his kind of writing, which is very appropriate and raunchy. He has his own way of characterizing the world in which we live.