Mar 17, 2008 09:23
Hmm so, this morning I woke up (late, as usual) and was rushing and nearly ready on time but a few minutes late leaving. But I left anyway and had a nice little walk/run halfway to college before deciding that I couldn't walk in late to a mock exam. :[
I know it's my own fault for going to sleep too late and stuff. But I'm so tired. I couldn't actually do a 2/3 hour mock today =| although it might not even be today, then I'll be annoyed because I'd walk in late to a normal lesson. Ohh what if it wasn't? Now I'm feeling slightly guilty, maybe I should just go back to sleep.
The phone is ringing . . . probably just one of those scary sales type people or whoever the fuck they are. Eh :/ I should have gone in really. I'm good usually though, I never usually just decide I don't want a lesson for no apparent reason. It's stupid because I'm always late, but I hate being late and I get panicky about walking in late and looking silly. So I try really hard not to be late, but I can't help it because no matter how much time I leave myself/try to leave myself, something always gets in the way. Mm I'll have to just wake myself up somehow and do my other work.