My X-fic "The Morning After" Adult, FRAO

Oct 20, 2008 12:37

I stumbled across this in my X-Files stories file (it's a really small file). I have absolutely no memory of writing it. It says it's un-beta'd, and is apparently complete as-is. I can only infer that I intended to let the reader fill in the blanks as desired.

Morning After
by Laurie of the Isles
July 2002
Rated Adult

The morning sun slanted through a part in the dark plush curtains, bathing Mulder's sleeping prone form. As he tried to turn his head away from the light, the last of sleep left him and his eyes fluttered open. Still stupid with sleep for a moment, Mulder came more awake by the second, taking in the unfamiliar, expensive yet somehow still generic hotel furnishings. More and more aware, Mulder felt the soreness in his muscles, the pounding in his head that made him wish devoutly for death, and the slight prickly feeling of a thick velvet bedspread underneath him. He realized he was feeling it with all of him, including some rather sensitive portions of his anatomy. With a start he rolled to his side, his cock sticking for a moment to the spread. He pulled himself upright, crying out with a wince as something rather sizable and solid made itself known in his backside. Darting his eyes around the room in a panic, Mulder could find no one else in the room, but his eyes took in the litter of condom packages on the floor and the nearly empty bottle of lube on the nightstand. He sat gingerly on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Shit!" Mulder groaned. "Not again."
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