Title: My Lesbian Romance? [Drabble]
Author: Shazzy
x_fangs_up_xWarnings: Like, one swear word, fluff?, mentions of lesbians, randomness
Pairing: Frank Iero/Bob Bryar - I ship Frob =D
Summary: Frank is usually weird, random and perverted, but this is taking all three to new levels.
Disclaimer: Yeah I totally own them. Psh, I wish. Not real, ayee?
"Hey, Bob, Imagine if our band was like..a lesbian band!" Frank suddenly bursts out, looking up at Bob from his sitting place on the floor beside the couch.
Bob is sort of speechless for a moment, because seriously, what the fuck do you say to a statement like that? He blinks a few times, before pointing out: "We're not women, Frank."
"Yeah, I know that. But try and use your imagination Bob!"
Bob shakes his head. Frank is usually weird, random and perverted, but this is taking all three to new levels. Bob sighs and goes back to reading his magazine.
Silence falls between the two before Frank eventually interrupts it again.
"Hey, Bob?"
"Mmm?" Bob doesn't even look up.
"Say we were lesbians...would you be with me?"
"Sure." Bob replies, licking his thumb and flicking the page.
Frank smiles and scoots closer to Bobs leg.
~Ze End.