tutorial 64

Jan 09, 2009 22:03

-.psd included.

1. curves layer.
RGB; 98, 127
this is pretty much a screen layer. if your image is too light in the end, delete this layer or play around with the opacity.

2. curves layer.

RBG; 99, 125
red; 138, 134
blue; 102, 135
set this layer to soft light 100%

3. color balance layer.

midtones; +28, -14, -28
shadows; -12, 0, +12

4. channel mixer layer.

red; +94, -15, +10
blue; -22, +32, +100 constant;+6

5. selective color layer.

reds; -84, +15, +44, 0
neutrals; +20, 0, -16, 0


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