Sep 12, 2004 21:10
guys suck. brent. wow. i just wanna chop his dick off. but. im cool. im ok and john. dgk;jdfgl;jd;j he makes my brain hurt. we cuddle and flirt and such. but he has a gf. i like him. a lot. and he always tells me to call him and we txt. its nice. and his gf gets mad. but we dont fight. today my mom was like how would you like it if brandi was always callin your bf. and i said ill have you know he TELLS me to call him. and my mom said well thats not what he tells liz. arg. so when he called me i told him about the convo and he goes "WHAT?! no liz knows you call me and that you call bc i ask you too and she knows you like me" i said waiiit who said i like you and we joked about and he said well sweetheart i need to handle some business goodnight. grrr. dont call me that! lol. boys suck. ok well i planned to write more but im only allowed on til 930 and i was yellin at brent. idk when ill be back. dont forget about me.
DeaD bOys dOnT bReAk hEaRts <|3
oh just so everyone knows. i never cried over the split with brent. :o) im proud. it wasnt worth it.