'Til that day you came along, my heart was empty like the soul was missing from a song ..

Aug 25, 2011 07:13

So yesterday it turns out both Marlene AND Gene's Mom want us to CANCEL the room reservations we made for them at McGuire AFB in NJ for the night of the wedding, leaving us SOL to either drive the distance alone, or find a new hotel last minute that isn't a) booked, b) SUPER EXPENSIVE, or c) ridden with bugs. UGH. WTF. Well, I guess I will be calling around this morning ..

Work was chill yesterday. Pam brought in a bunch of old shoes that she doesn't like or never wore. I took two home with me that I really liked that are a little bit more of a heel than I am used to so Idk if that will hurt me or what ? I thought they made my legs look nice though. (: Katie brought in a little white shrug-cardigan to try on with my dress. After work I went out with Mom & Dad to Wal-Mart (where we bought stuff to make our own S'mores pudding, yum) and then to Sears where I bought Gene a light orange shirt to match my dress for the wedding. I wish I had more time to peruse their sale clothes, but we had to get home & get ready for volleyball.

Volleyball was fun last night -- Jeff & Christine subbed in for us since Arlene couldn't make it & Precious can only play every other week now due to a schedule change with his work. We like playing with Jeff & Christine though ! Wish we saw them more often ! We played Jess' team (the short haired, short girl) and they are one of the top teams who usually give us problems, but we were all on our A-game last night and won all three games significantly ! It was a lot of fun ! Even if the wind was terrible, lol. Christine's allergies were acting up so we didn't stay and hang out, which was fine with me because I needed to grab some dinner.

Gene went his separate ways to unload ANOTHER truckload of mulch. I have spent like 5 minutes with him all week. ): OH WELL. Mom & I picked up Dad & went to Burger King (I know, of ALL PLACES right ?!) for dinner, so I just got chicken nuggets. Then we met Meagan & Jack at Target -- they were looking at different games to play for game night tonight, which reminded me of several games I forgot I owned that we still haven't tried. Will have to dig them up from wherever they are hiding (probably the basement) While at Target I looked at more cardigans and found SEVERAL I would love for everyday/work wear, and quickly browsed their other clothes and found TONS of stuff I would like (work clothes, shorts, capris, different tops, etc) and lots of sale items, but Mom & Dad wanted to get home, so I am hoping to make it back there soon. (Also waiting til I get paid, need to pay my student loans too) I did look for a purse or a clutch but no luck. Dunno what I am going to carry to this wedding .. Help ?

Anyways, still haven't decided what to make for dessert tonight. Have been thinking maybe something from a mix (and maybe use up my different icings) ? Something cakey ? Something fruity (like a clafouti) ? Black rice pudding ? Monkey bread muffins ? Something rice-krispie-ish ? Something healthy ?? DECISIONS DECISIONS. Ugh. Better get a move on though. Gene works late again tonight. AS USUAL. And then he is going to come swing by & get me for Meagan's dinner night. I still need to paint my nails & do laundry tonight & figure out hair/makeup/shoes/purse for wedding. Oh and HOTEL. GRR. Could've booked my B&B FOREVER ago. Should've probably. Maybe I will give it a shot today. Would be super nice & romantic, but I am sure with like six rooms, they are probably booked. Blah. Gene is planning to take a half day tomorrow so I am going to see if that's okay with Katie if I leave early since Edith wants me to use some leave anyways. We had a really bad storm last night while I was trying to sleep, CRASHING, BOOMING THUNDER and pouring rain. Usually I like to sleep in that, but I have been nervous with all this hurricane talk and just all the natural disasters lately. Maybe 2012 is for real ! Nah. Well, guess I will get to work & contemplate desserts some more. Had my confetti cake Pop Tart toasted for breakfast again due to the lack of milk (which would make this Pop Tart even more heavenly, LOL) and Katie left me some TimBits in my favorite flavors (cherry & sour cream !) Let's just hope the coffee I brought is good.

PS. Got another e-mail from Melissa this morning asking when we are doing dinner (: Hopefully soon ! Also haven't talked to Chuck & Melanie in a while but they had wanted to do a cookout. Wonder if they are still up for that sometime ? She hasn't been responding to me lately. /: Probably just busy with the move & work.

volleyball, plans, clothes, weather, angry rant, friends, food, shopping, family, work, games, boyfriend

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