Jun 21, 2011 17:18
Ok, I'm trying to make it less time between updates. It has just been so crazy busy. I have some free time right now while Gene plays his video game and I feel like a fat blob. Idk why but I have been feeling really gross the last two days. We've been running, but I do need to pick up my workout regimen again. I always felt good when I was doing it, and I have been slacking, but I half blame how busy we've been. Shouldn't be an excuse though.
Oh well, since last entry, Friday, June 17th, we had a low key night -- Chinese Buffet & Buffy marathon on Netflix. Small fight ensued regarding the ceiling fan/AC so I didn't end up staying the night as planned.
Saturday, June 18th -- JAY & JEN'S WEDDING !!! Got up early to go suit shopping with Eugene, and gift/card shopping for the soon to be newlyweds. We had Taco Bell for lunch (maybe these are the reasons I have been feeling like a slob ?? But how could you pass up 99 cent Crunchwraps ?!) and then went our separate ways to get ready, I was FREAKING out because I had to do my hair (and Raphy couldn't help, and then my backup of Nas got busy too), paint my nails to match my necklace, makeup to coverup some of the random pimples/redness (usually don't wear makeup but WTH ..) and pick out shoes, and get all prettied up in my dress that I have been SO EXCITED to wear since buying it earlier this year (it was a pretty, silky, grey flowery strapless dress !! Maybe I can post pix !!). Anyways, wedding was at 2 out in Youngstown, it was over with quickly, and Gene made some new friends talking to some older gentlemen who were prior Air Force. He sure can be a charmer. Had some time to kill between the ceremony and the reception so THAT is when I painted my nails, LOL. I ended up doing my own hair, in much the regular way of scrunching, but trying to make it more voluminous through blow drying, which I think made it look worse, but Mom put a little clip in one side that I thought made it look nice. I allowed her to do my eyeliner/mascara, because so many people complimented it last time, but I still am not a fan. UGH. AND the stupid coverup caused some kind of reaction on my face that was itchy and burning for a few days, UGH. I guess it was contact dermatitis or something ? Well it is going away now, so that's all that matters I guess.
Anyways, the reception was tons of fun. We were sat at a table with Meagan & Jack, Jennifer & Eric, and Lisa & Steve. Jimmy was even there, so we FINALLY got a shot of all the cousins together (and their respective significant others too). I got a lot of compliments on my dress, including from Liz Rowles, who works at the hotel. Gene had like 25 mixed drinks because he is RIDICULOUS and I stuck with a few sporadic cherry vodka & Sprites. Refreshing. The food was meh, and they had no favors, which was weird. And they are still spelling Gene's last name wrong (with an apostrophe) though we have pointed it out on several occassions, LOL. Oh well. The cake, on the other hand, was DELICIOUS !! I could've eaten the whole thing. Gene and Steve were fans of the cheese table, lol. We didn't dance at all because the DJ sucked and didn't play any slow songs, or really any good music, just bad rap/R&B, which ultimately led to us leaving earlier than we might have. It was okay though, everyone was exhausted.
I slept over Gene's house, and on Sunday (6/19) we slept in, and I made us German pancakes with blueberry compote for breakfast, which was a BIG HIT ! Gene loved them and compared them to crepes, and wants me to make them for our families. Only problem is they require cake pans, which I only had one of and bought a second specifically to try this awesome looking and easy recipe. Mmmmmm. Definitely will be making that in the future. We had an equal parts relaxing, equal parts productive day (got a lot of stuff done around the house) and had a strictly veggie dinner (broccoli and cauliflower) to offset all the badness we'd been eating/drinking. For Father's Day, we didn't do much, Dad was busy helping Meagan with Math homework, and we hadn't gotten him a card or gift which makes me feel bad, but we are broke and out of ideas, since his birthday was just last week, so instead we took him for a bike ride. Got a little bit of low impact exercise in. (: Other notable things from Sunday -- found out Chrissy is PREGNANT !! I am very happy for her, she has been wanting this for some time now and they have been trying for so long !! Plus, I might be a godparent !! Um .. I made chocolate chip cookies with our afternoon tea, LOL, and we took our big white dogs for a walk too which made their day. (: (:
Yesteday, 6/20, we did some of Gene's homework, and then went out to La Galera for dinner (LOVE chile rellenos) and then went for somewhat of a family run, LOL. Well, Gene, Mom, and I ran, and Dad rode his bike, all around Hyde Park. It was nice, since we've all been slacking lately. Idk if it is the heat or what, but we've all been so tired too. UGH. Vicious cycle. Working out gives you energy, but you need energy to work out. And free time, which we are tight on. Our social life is suffering too, especially now that Gene is taking two online classes that require a lot of time and work. Found out Gene's Mom fractured a collarbone (and is having her skin tag removed from her eye today, just can't catch break !) and Chrissy's Mom has been in the hospital, had surgery yesterday to have her gallbladder removed. Chrissy came up for it, but had to go back to Fort Drum today for work. Wish I could've seen her !! I have been missing her a lot and we have so much to catch up on, but with both of us having new jobs, it has been hard. Shouldn't be an excuse though. Gotta make it a point to Skype with her more often !!
Today, our only plans are homework, run (and hopefully ab workout), and going to try the new Trusello's for dinner (kind of like a belated Father's Day thing) and I REALLY want to go to Artpark for CCR tonight but I don't think I will have anyone to go with me. It sucks because I really think this would be one of the shows Gene would enjoy, he likes so many of their songs. Roger wants to hang out. Eric is coming up this week/weekend for Meagan's birthday, and I've got to make her a cake, plus get groceries (want to try to make panna cotta soon for Dad and try out some dry shampoo) I also need to get her present(s). We have volleyball tomorrow night. And the end of school this week. Might end up having to work Friday now even though I was originally supposed to have off. A little upset about it but don't want to cause a ruckus at the new job. Not looking forward to going back to the base next week, UGH. Getting up at 5 again, missing breakfast. BLAH. But maybe getting back into workout routine. I hope. Guess I will get going for now, I am almost done with my book "You Had Me At Woof." Probably will finish it on my down time tomorrow at the schools. Would like to catch up on movies soon too.
PS. Jay & Jen embarked today on their honeymoon in Jamaica -- SO JEALOUS !! haha Dad did a reading and wanted to do a Princess Bride quote, which I SO think he should have, and now that he's talked to them about it, they would've loved it too !! So very Dad.
bike ride,
angry rant,