. I'm gonna love you 'til the heaven's stop the rain .

Apr 02, 2011 08:25

.. I'm gonna love you 'til the stars fall from the sky, for you & I ..
Yesterday I had a pretty good day. FINALLY won a cup of coffee, from my cup of coffee, LOL (the Tim Horton's roll up the rim to win thing), AND FINALLY got my civil service test results in the mail !! Placed in the top 3 for BOTH of the tests I took, so maybe a new job is on the horizon !? :D Until then, I will keep my fingers crossed, and keep applying elsewhere. ^_^ But YAY !

Worked out when I got home from work, Mom & I did this 30 Day Shred thing, a Jillian Michaels/Biggest Loser-esque workout, very similar to the Circuit Training class Gene & I used to take. Then I spent most of the rest of my day Skyping with Eugene, because it was his day off ! ^_^ I love & miss him ! I like being able to see/hear him, and it had been a while. I guess he signed up for more trips to Puerto Rico in the next year, which could be cool. (: Um, for some reason right now I can't think of what else we talked about. We talked about plans when he gets home (his plans are not for us not to leave the bedroom for two days LOL).

Got a fish fry from Jack's church, which was DELICIOUS but HUGE (and I felt like a blimpy blob for the rest of the night because of it ! Even went to bed with a bit of a stomachache probably from overeating ..) and went out to Gene's house to grab his mail (and checkbook because his gun came in on base, and his buddy Tom wants me to pick it up/pay for it .. gotta call Frank today about it.) and stopped at K-Mart. Almost bought this cute flowery skirt but the ones in my size were all fraying. ): And the white button-up shirt I wanted was dirty ! ): Will have to check back, but we were in a rush. Bought a cactus for Meagan LOL because of our FB conversation from earlier in the week where she told me to bring "desert" to dinner. d: Can't wait to give it to her .. keep pricking myself in the meantime. Came home & Skyped with Gene until bedtime.

Had some of the WEIRDEST dreams last night. The only one I can really remember had Courtney in it .. she was like stalking me from gym to gym (on base, to campus from what I could tell), and spraying all my stuff with a little water mister LOL, and then followed me to my house (the house I grew up in oddly enough), and I didn't answer the door (she was looking for some concert ticket I guess ?), and I hid in my bedroom, so she started pounding on my bedroom window, and writing me messages on it (like in the dirt with her finger), LOL ! Dunno what that's supposed to mean. Speaking of weird .. the guy at the gate and I used to be very good friends (Kevin Dash), but now that he is married with a child, he doesn't even speak to me/acknowledge me. What gives ?! Like, we haven't talked in a while, because he wasn't working on base for a long while (I had heard rumors he had gotten out, but obviously that's not true), and quite some time ago, he had "unfriended" me. Whatevs. His loss.

So I am drinking my FREE chai tea right now, woke up with a bit of a stomachache still. Katie is still here. Going by fast so far. Easier day today because she had all the no shows checked out & everything printed/assigned. ^_^ Brought my webcam to work, just in case I can set up in back, but that is doubtful because I have reservists coming in to work with me. So today is probably a talk to Gene on IM kind of day, unless he can shoot me a call later. I feel kind of bad I didn't go to the play with Lisa & Steve last night, but like I said, I was so tired & wanted to catch up with Eugene. I always have a good time with those two though. I hope they stay together !! ^_^ They are TOO CUTE. Gene's buddy Jim wrote to me last night and wants me to give him a call. I guess he is still having health problems. /:

I gotta remember to remind Jay to bring those DVDs to Jen's shower tonight, which I am SUPER EXCITED FOR !! Get to see the fam ! We bought her a dish set she wanted, and a hanging picture frame/jewelry box thingy, and a cute card implying Jay is perfect, LOL ! Gotta remember to mail out Gene's mortgage payment, a box for him, etc etc. Gotta figure out what to wear to the shower too. (: Want to burn some of the new movies from work too .. guess I'm gonna get going for now though .. can't remember what else I wanted to say ..

plans, workouts, military, dreams, career, friends, skype, food, shopping, job, family, deployment, work, boyfriend

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