Jan 02, 2005 01:29
So for starters, New Years Eve was a blast!! I partied with the lovely sisters of Gamma Phi Beta, which now has made me have second thoughts about where I stand with sorority. So definately thinking a lot about that, and deciding what I want to do. The night started off shitty with some issues before I left the house, but those were quickly worked out and it was off for a bomb ass night....and a bomb ass night is what I had. My favorite memory being me and Leesa Lepore walking up to the two hottest guys and telling them that we thought it was horrible, that the two hottest guys at the party were gay!!! Um yeah definately had a crush on Jordan...he was a gorgeous, mexican boy!!! He was absolutely hilarious, and amazingly cute....definately check out my website and see the pics, So yeah Nate the serial killer Sigma Pi was annoying the hell out of everyone and trying to hook up with every girl that walked by him, also he's a homophobe like whoa, so what better of a way to get him to leave, then pay the gay guy to hit on him......so T-Rex definately paid Jordan to hit on him and he did!!! Nate's reaction was priceless, damn he didn't leave though....Another huge highlight was just after midnight, when Melissa got into a drunken fight with her boyfriend and I think might have told Nate to stay out of it, and he called her a bitch. Jon (her boyfriend) went insane, and stupid ass Nate had to keep it going...I wish Jon would have knocked his ass out, what a great way to end the party, but then the cops would have came and yeah I was underage, not a good mix. The countdown was awesome, lots of fun with the people I love....um yeah everyone was kissing EVERYONE....we'll leave it at that...but it was a bomb ass night, that I'll never forget!!!
On to the drama...damn drama follows me everywhere I go these days. But mainly this is to those that know the situation and chose to think I'm horrible, stupid, a disappointment, fuck up, and irresponsible....hmmm yeah so I'm 20 years old, yeah underage to drink but thats besides the point. I think I make responsible, adult decision 99% of the time, and who knows maybe last night was part of the 1% that I didn't make a responsible decision...but the point is, a few of you that have talked to me and are pissed off about this, are blowing this whole thing way out of proportion...so now it's time to hopefully make things a little more clear, and hopefully end any feelings of hate.....please just keep in mind that I drank a cup of parrot bay, pucker, and pineapple juice, and had a second cup of pucker, parrot bay and cranberry juic, I didn't like the second one so I poured it out after drinking less the half of it. That was at 11:30, at that point, I started drinking water. At midnight I had a tiny glass of champaign to ring in the new year. After that I had a ton of water, at least 4 huge cups of water, and I danced and hung out with friends for the next two hours. When you look at it, I had more water then alcohol, I was never completely wasted, nothing like my birthday, I was never to a point where I got dizzy or couldn't control myself, my words weren't slurred, I knew where I was, who was around me, and if anything I was just tipsy which generally just makes me really happy. I know myself well enough to know that I wouldn't have made the decision to go home if I knew I was too drunk to drive, also there were 50-60 other people there that also wouldn't have allowed me to leave if they knew I was too drunk to drive. Yeah it was an extremely risky decision, but just think can you honestly say that you've NEVER gone out, had one drink, enough to get you tipsy, then waiting a while to get it out of our system, then drove home????? That's what I did last night, and I do believe I made a responsible choice, it wouldn't have been responsible if I drank a shitload, and then left, but that wasn't the case at all, and I hope this helps...
I obviously don't want anyone to be disappointed in me and/or feel like I'm stupid, and if you still do feel that way, please confront me with the issue, and be honest with how you feel about the situation, because I'm still learning to be the new/positive/mature/responsible me!
Happy New Year Everyone!