Got milk?

May 30, 2010 10:19

Yesterday I went to the grocery store to pick up milk and a few other items. I usually go to the store on the corner, two blocks from my house. Part of the Publix chain, it's a nicer store than all the others in my rather spotty area (my neighborhood is an oasis of gentrified civility amidst a sea of used car lots and no-tell motels), so everybody within driving distance comes here. This generally guarantees the parking lot will be jammed (cars parked on adjacent streets) and there will be some form of weirdness.

I managed to find a parking spot, grabbed a cart and wheeled it in past yelling people. Once I had my purchases, I got in line at the register behind an older man (in his fifties or so). This man suddenly pulled down his shorts. All the way down. It took me a second to realize this wasn't mere plumber's crack, but a full moon. With his right hand, he started digging into the moon. Not wanting to put my groceries wherever he might put his hand after that, I switched lines.

The manager came over and talked to him. I heard Moon Man say, "I'll try." The manager than came over and bagged my purchases while a one-eyed woman at the service counter yelled across the store, "AND THAT'S WHY YA WANNA BEAT ME!" The manager and I exchanged pleasantries, but didn't discuss what I just saw. As I was leaving, I overheard him recount to the cashier that he'd told Moon Man, "You won't try, you'll succeed." I had a feeling this wasn't their first conversation of this nature.

I saw him following me out, and as I hurried to push my cart out the door, a woman blocked it as she talked on her cell phone. I almost shoved her out of the way, but she moved. Moon Man was watching me intently.

He passed me as I was loading groceries into the trunk. "Nice car, Lady," he said.

"Thanks." Get away, get away, get away!

To add insult to disgust, I forgot to buy milk.

I wonder if this was the same guy who spat on my groceries a couple years ago?


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