
Nov 06, 2008 21:14


I would like to be living in Japan about now. I want to hear what the Japanese think of Americans now without the influence of the Bushes. I would like to be on the world stage in Tokyo right now.

I left Japan shortly after Bush Senior's regime, when he was horking sushi into the Prime Minister's lap (something that got replayed in Japanese video again, and again, and again...). Online, my web site was assailed a couple of times by Japanese who hated "dubya's" regime. I will tell you right now that I never voted for him.

It would be fun to visit Obama-shi (小浜市) right now, I think. If I have the kanji right, "Obama" means "little beach." And at least "Obama" is easy to spell in katakana.

I worry a little bit that the American public sets too much stake in the fact that Obama is our first black president. It should go without saying that black people are smart and resourceful enough to be president, and the US was only waiting for the one to pull the right strings and get into the right Old Boy Clubs. Hollywood already predicted it, right? ;-) I voted for Obama because he impressed me, his health care plan made more sense than McCain's, and because I loathe Sarah Palin with a cold and unbridled passion (she dares pass such nonsense to the American public when she knows nothing of the world beyond Alaska's borders). I loved McCain the last time he campaigned for office, but his recent campaign just made me sad. It was a farce, and McCain is better than that. Or at least he was.

I was impressed and made hopeful by Obama's acceptance speech. I was also impressed by McCain's graceful exit (more his than his supporters) and concession speech. I was not impressed by Jesse Jackson's tears. I was heartened by Colin Powell's joy.

What's the proper phrase? I am "cautiously optimistic." I can only keep my fingers crossed for the next four years.


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