
Feb 01, 2011 10:02

Super busy recently. Okie, I won't say recently, but its more like since last year when I started to study full time (as in quitting my full time job). So many things to learn. I think I really have learnt alot from this degree. Got to know a bunch of super funny cheerful happy gang known as FCH in my uni. They can be super random at times too. Need to thank the person who brought us together, who is Jasmine. Without her, I doubt I will get to know more friends in uni.

Anyway, back to the main topic. Am still bogged down with school work despite Chinese New Year coming up. I still have like tonnes of stuff to clear. Table is still messy with piles of notes on it. At least my other areas are almost cleaned up, except for my study/computer table. Its super HORRIBLE!!!! Still got 3 more assignments to clear. Speaking of which, about school stuff. SIM (Singapore Institute of Management) is CHUI CHUI CHUI!!!


Well, all the prelim timetable is out, but not for PSOC. Funny right? I went to call them up and I was put on hold for about 2 mins, and then the operator just told me that they will check it out and get back to me. Why can't they just tell me the date for the prelim and won't that save everybody's time? I think they are super inefficient at doing admin stuff but SUPER EFFICIENT when it comes to collecting $$.


On a good note, yesterday was fun although I was in a pretty DOWN mood. Totally no mood for anything due to the super awesome weather that made me like that. I was supposed to head to my friend's place to mug for the exams, but I didn't go. I was doing household chores and doing my consol homework at the same time. Plus, the weather was so 'good' that it didn't want me to go out of the house.  I met the FCH gang for dinner, and ended up being late. We had dinner at Din Tai Fung, Paragon outlet. I won't say its super good for that price we paid. But oh well. Then we went shopping around Metro, 313 and then to TCC to chill out. 
Here are some photos from yesterday.

Dinner from Din Tai Fung!!

My pic!! I like this self-pic the most!!! <3

My lemon ginger green tea. Don't ask me why I ordered that. Its really nice if you like GINGER!!! xD

Some snacks!

My fav! Potato Wedges with Cheese Dip!!!

The guys! These TWO are 'brothers'. SUPER GOOD BROTHERS!!!! xD

The girls. My face is TOO PHAT!!! *urgh* Need to make my face smaller!!!

The other photos are on my facebook. xD 
Most of my friends say my camera is good!! I really like my camera alot!! The pictures it take is super clear and lightning is awesome!! xD 
Much thanks to Geraldine for intro-ing Ricoh to me. If not, I would not have gotten that camera. Ricoh CX4 is AWESOME!!

Shall blog another time!!


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