Why do I torture myself?

Mar 25, 2014 13:09

I don't know why I do this to myself. My pile of books to read only gets bigger and I want to read and re-read a ton of stuff and I keep on buying more books. I bought one last week and two more today. WHY?

I'm still on the third book of the George Martin series and, OMG, those books are so frustrating! It doesn't matter how much you read, the bookmark never seems to change place. They are so well written, the plot is so intricate, the characters so real, and it takes time to read. I lack the time to dedicate to reading and lately I've been more focused on my TV shows and only get to read a bit during my lunch break.

Thing is, I don't want to start another book until I've at least finished reading this current book and will take some time if I continue at this pace.

I want to sinish reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, I'm still two books to go, I need to finish A Song of Ice and Fire, I've got The Silmarillion, two SGA books, two Star Wars book I bought, The Shack which was highly recommended and I bought the Allan Kardek biography for my mom but I'll also want to read that once she has finished. I also want to re-read the LOTR trilogy and The Hobbit.


And I keep buying more books.

books, me, yelling

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